Congratulations to Alice Fubini on her PhD

BIT-ACT PhD student defends her dissertation on the grassroots fights against corruption in the digital age

Published on 18 June 2024

Photo of the proclamation

Congratulations to Alice Fubini who successfully defended her PhD dissertation on June 18.

Her thesis titled “Grassroots Fights Against Corruption in The Digital Age: Infrastructural Activism In Italy And Spain” was conducted in the framework of the BIT-ACT Project. Alice Fubini discussed her dissertation with Professor Lorenzo Mosca (University of Parma), Roberta Bracciale (University of Pisa) and Augusto Valeriani (University of Bologna). The research was supervised by Professor Alice Mattoni and co-supervised by Professor Adrienne Russell.

The dissertation is the result of extended fieldwork periods in Italy and Spain and presents the newly conceptualised notion of Infrastructural Activism as central to the grassroots fight against corruption in these countries.

Alice, the BIT-ACT team wishes you every success in your academic career.