We warmly invite early career researchers from all disciplines to apply by February 1, 2022. The Forum will take place in person in Bologna, if no further COVID-restrictions prohibit it.
Published on 09 December 2021
The Interdisciplinary Corruption Research Network (ICRN) is happy to announce the sixth edition of the ICRN Forum, which will take place on June 16-18, 2022 at the University of Bologna and will be hosted by the ERC funded research project BIT-ACT (Bottom-Up Initiatives and Anti-Corruption Technologies).
The Interdisciplinary Corruption Research Forum aims to bring together international early career researchers from all disciplines (including, but not limited to, anthropology, economics, history, law, political science, psychology, sociology) working on the topic of (anti-)corruption, open government and integrity to present their current research, discuss working papers and initiate collaborative research projects. Forming a thematic network of early career researchers is key to Forum activities.
The ICRN Forum is especially aimed at early career researchers, but advanced Master students can also apply.
The Forum provides a platform to discuss research at three stages of work: work in progress, advanced/finalised research projects as well as co-creations sessions to find other scholars who share their research interests and initiate new projects. In addition to the sessions, the Forum will host a keynote speech and a panel debate that will be open to the public.
We welcome theoretical and empirical contributions on the topics of corruption, ethics/ integrity, open government, and anti-corruption initiatives at the local, national and international contexts. Contributions on formal and informal institutions, the role of elites, new technologies, and international organizations are particularly encouraged.
Participation is free of charge, and coffee, snacks, lunches, and one dinner will be provided. Participants are responsible for their own travel arrangements and accommodation.
In collaboration with the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) and the U4, scholarships will be provided to participants from Afghanistan, Colombia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Tanzania, Uganda, Palestine, Somalia, and South Sudan, covering their travel and accommodation expenses.
We warmly invite early career researchers from all disciplines to apply by February 1, 2022 by filling in the online form here. Notification of acceptance will be sent out in early March, 2022. Information about previous ICRN Forums is available here. If you have any questions, please contact info@icrnetwork.org.
In the selection process, we apply the following criteria:
- Quality of abstract;
- Relevance and innovativeness of proposal;
- Early career scholars are given priority (Research MA, PhD, post-doc, junior/assistant professor);
- Regional diversity.
The Forum will take place in person in Bologna, if no further COVID-restrictions prohibit it. If you wish to present your research, but can not travel to the Forum in person, you can indicate this in the application.
We look forward to receiving your applications!
Your ICRN & BIT-ACT teams