Alice Mattoni on Democratic Imaginaries and Anti-Corruption Technologies from the Grassroots at the DEMINOVA LAB Speaker Series

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Published on 03 October 2023

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

On 24 October 2023, Professor Mattoni delivers the talk Democratic Imaginaries and Anti-Corruption Technologies from the Grassroots. How Activists Across the World Rethink Democracy Through Digital Innovations at the Laboratory for Democratic Innovation and Social Movements - DEMINOVA LAB, an interdisciplinary research project funded by the Aarhus University Research Foundation.

Drawing on findings from BIT-ACT's ongoing research and stories of anti-corruption movements around the world, the talk will shed light on how grassroots movements are creating and using digital technologies to promote integrity. By presenting a typology of anti-corruption technologies (ACTs), Professor Mattoni discusses their opportunities and examines the challenges they pose to civil society organisations. Finally, by highlighting the democratic ideals embedded in these digital technologies and their role in redefining citizenship and promoting active participation in society, the talk considers the impact of ACTs on democracy and civic engagement.


The talk takes place at 10:00 a.m. (UTC+2) at Building 1441- Room 010 (Tåsingegade 3), Aarhus University.

Click on the Zoom Link to participate online.

Click here for further information on the DEMINOVA LAB and DEMINOVA Speaker Series.