Alice Mattoni gives a talk on anti-corruption technologies in the Department of Media and Communication Studies at Södertörn University in Sweden

The talk is entitled "From Databases and Websites to Bots and Algorithms. A Discussion on Digital Media in The Grassroots Fight Against Corruption Across the World"

Published on 26 October 2021

Photo by Artur Łuczka on Unsplash

Despite the good wealth of grassroots initiatives to counter corruption that has been flourished, we still lack a comprehensive knowledge of how digital media help people in fighting corruption. Alice Mattoni addresses this and other topics revolving around the use of digital media and supporting processes of societal accountability in a seminar promoted by the Department of Media and Communication Studies at Södertörn University.

Drawing on a range of qualitative data collected in nine countries worldwide, she will discuss the concept of anti-corruption technologies. First, Alice Mattoni will present the main features of anti-corruption technologies as socio-technical assemblages. Then, she will illustrate how data-related practices in the framework of anti-corruption technologies interlace with media-related practices, hence complicating our understanding of data-activism in the framework of anti-corruption from the grassroots. Finally, Alice Mattoni will discuss how data-related and media-related practices in anti-corruption technologies entangle with three different imaginaries related to democracy.

The seminar is scheduled for November 9 at 2pm (CET). It will be possible to participate in the seminar both live on Södertörn University campus or digitally via Zoom. For more information including the Zoom link, contact Saga Hansén (

Extra info here.