The BIT-ACT organizes a panel on social movements against corruption in the digital era at the ECPR 2021

The ECPR general conference will be held online between 30 August to 3 September 2021

Published on 25 August 2021

Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash

Organized by the BIT-ACT project for the ECPR General Conference 2021, the panel “Anti-corruption from the Grassroots: Social Movements against Corruption in the Digital Era” aims to shed light on initiatives developed to counter corruption, increase transparency, and hold elite members accountable.

It also opens room for assessing diagnostic and prognostic frames as well as for exploring bottom-up and top-down practices.

Overall, the goal is to discuss how citizen’s voices are more likely to be heard and to make a difference in the fight against corruption by bringing new perspectives and interesting case studies.

The panel will be chaired by Fernanda Odilla and will have Alice Mattoni as the discussant. The panel is part of the session “Agenda 2030: Trends and Gaps in (Anti-)Corruption and Integrity Research”, within the scope of the ECPR standing group on (Anti)Corruption & Integrity


"Whistleblowing Initiatives and the Digital Challenge: the Role of Media in Fighting Corruption from Below" by Alice Fubini (Università di Bologna) and Alessandra Lo Piccolo (Scuola Normale Superiore).

"The (de)mobilizing effects of corruption: the effects of perceived corruption and information on protesting in Brazil" by Andreia Carmo (King’s College London)

"Governing for integrity: does social accountability through policy councils curb corruption?" by James Vieira (Hertie School of Governance)

"A Terrain of Struggle: The Limits of Civil Society Initiatives in Policymaking and Digital Spaces" by Nicolas Kyriakides & Petros Petrikkos (University of Nicosia)