Muriel Poisson (IIEP-Unesco)
Date: 05 MAY 2021 from 17:00 to 18:30
Event location: Online | Zoom
Type: BIT-ACT Seminar Series
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Talk Description
A wealth of school data are increasingly shared with the general public through large scale initiatives developed both by governments and civil society organizations (CSOs), using new dedicated online platforms. But their impact on transparency, accountability, and reducing corrupt practices are yet to be investigated in a systematic way. This presentation will question the link between public access to information and corruption reduction, building on the results of an international research project carried out by UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) on Open School Data in South Asia. Referring more specifically to the experiences of Bangladesh, India, and the Philippines, we will discuss: the need to formulate a clear theory of change linking data and corruption; a series of factors to be taken into account in this context; and finally, innovative features developed by CSOs to make progress in this domain.
About the guest speaker
Muriel Poisson is the task manager of UNESCO-IIEP’s project on Ethics and corruption in education. She is responsible for research and training activities dealing with a variety of topics on the issue, such as the use of open school data, public expenditure tracking surveys (PETS), teacher codes of conduct, academic integrity, open school data, and open government in education. She trained more than 2,600 people on how to design and implement diagnostic tools aimed at assessing distorted practices in the use of education resources; and on how to develop and enforce strategies to improve transparency and accountability in education. And she also provides technical assistance, for instance to national teams in charge of the conduct of an integrity risk assessment, a PETS, or a code of conduct. Finally, she manages the ETICO resource platform.