Research Seminar "Advancing Anti-Corruption Efforts in Corporations"

The presentation aims to disseminate the recently completed anti-corruption research on the construction sector, assess potential areas of future exploration and establish an agenda of potential future shared research and collaboration with the University of Bologna

  • Date: 08 FEBRUARY 2024  from 11:00 to 13:00

  • Event location: Aula Romei, 3rd floor, Via dei Bersaglieri 6, Bologna.

  • Type: Seminar

Advancing Anti-Corruption Efforts in Corporations: Insights from Codes of Conduct and a Self-Assessment Toolkit in the Construction Sector

This seminar will share recent research on the role of codes of conduct for anti-corruption in the construction sector and the implementation steps of a self-assessment toolkit developed by academics for companies. Specifically, this research funded by the Project Management Institute (PMI), starts by reviewing the concepts of corporate corruption, then explains how the toolkit measures anti-corruption through its indicators and suggests remedies for potential weaknesses shown by implementing organisations. Finally, the seminar will introduce a plan for multidisciplinary research including anti-money laundering in the construction industry. 


About the presenters

Dr Armando Castro is the Director of the Centre of Sustainable Governance and Law in the Built Environment and Associate Professor at the Bartlett, University College London (UCL). Dr Castro’s research is interdisciplinary with an emphasis on Management, Law and Finance. He has conducted studies focusing on anticorruption strategies for firms, sustainable governance and the voluntary adoption of ESG standards. His work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Academy of Management Annals. He has regularly reviewed for journals including Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Business Ethics, and Organization Studies.


Dr Tristano Sainati is an Associate Professor of Project Management at the Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour at the BI-Norwegian Business School. His academic background includes a BEng + MSc degree in Industrial Engineering and an LLB in English Common Law. Tristano's research focuses on the legal, management, and financial aspects of infrastructure projects. His current research focuses on investigating white-collar crimes in projects, including corruption, money laundering, modern slavery, and fraud.