The Academy of Sciences of Bologna Institute has promoted a digitization project of printed works directly connected to its history. It is thus intended to give scholars the opportunity to consult them online and make it easier to find some texts that document the path of the Institution in its first century of life: the eighteenth century. Luigi Ferdinando Marsili (1659- 1730) submitted to the city of Bologna Council an ambitious and elaborate project that included a series of laboratories where to practice the new experimental science (the Science Institute), an institutional seat where scientists could meet and discuss, and that was open also to foreigner correspondents (the Academy of Science of the institute) and a place (the Library of the Science Institute) dedicated to the documents and scientific updates. The year 1711 marked the foundation of the Science Institute and only three years later, in 1714, the project of Marsili began to come to life with the official inauguration of the new Institution in the sixteenth-century Palazzo Poggi, situated in the ancient Strada di San Donato that at the time was rather decentralized from the Archiginnasio, then the seat of the Bolognese Studium.
The printed texts proposed here have been divided into two sections. The first (Studies) include the works mainly published between the end of the Seventies and the beginning of the Eighties of the last century, i.e. the secondary literature, the digitization of which has been promoted and financed by the Academy of Sciences, and for realization of which the ADLab – the digitization Laboratory of the Department of Filologia Classica e Italianistica of Bologna University – has provided a fundamental technical support. The second (Sources) contains eighteenth-century texts, i.e. the direct sources produced at that time by the institution. Of the latter, already available in the web on various platforms, the links for the direct access to the full version of these works, is here provided.