In this section, you will find announcements about seminars, conferences, and public initiatives related to the MEMOREC project, aimed at disseminating results and engaging other scholars, research groups, and the community.
Online event
A workshop to showcase the opportunities of the EcoPop_ER database to Data Challenge participants, with a focus on data processing using R.
Aula Teatini 1, Piazza Teatini 10
Presentation of the MEMOREC project and the ECO_POP_ER database at the "Workshop on Modeling and Valuation of Financial Instruments for Climate and Energy Risk Mitigation".
Aula Prodi - Piazza San Giovanni in Monte, 2. Bologna - In presence and online event
The database of the MEMOREC project presented during the study day "Water, Climate, and Populations. New Themes in Historical and Environmental Demography"
Online event
A workshop to illustrate the opportunities offered by the "EcoPop_ER" database to participants in the Data Challenge.
Aula Prodi, Piazza di San Giovanni in Monte
The MEMOREC project database, EcoPop_ER, will be presented at FAIRy Day, organized by the University of Bologna to promote the correct use of open data.
The MEMOREC project database will be presented at the XIV Italian Statistics Day, promoted by Istat and the Italian Statistical Society, at the University of Bologna.