The Staff Training Handbook is meant to guide academics and community organizations' staff in co-designing "UNICORN projects", i.e. course units / modules that can be embedded in the UNICORN international service-learning (ISL) mobility scheme.
The Handbook is conceived as a tool for group self-training activities, where academics and community organisations’ staff have a space to collaborate and confront each other on the presented contents. Nevertheless, it was structured in such a way as to be also a reliable individual self-training tool. The UNICORN Staff Training Handbook was not designed as an “how-to” but rather as a reflexive tool, where key questions are provided to navigate across core concepts of SL. Key queries are proposed, calling into question SL principles and their practical application.
The Staff Training Handbook revolves around the “UNICORN Taxonomy”. This tool represents a comprehensive common framework of what are the essential component parts of a SL project that can be embedded in the UNICORN ISL mobility scheme.