Sustainability in communication and education. Spreading the word and creating awareness

Summer school UnaEuropa, SSC Sustainability

1 - 5 luglio 2024
University of Bologna, Department of Education
Via Filippo Re 6, Bologna, Italia

The summer school, organized as part of Una Europa and hosted by the University of Bologna, aims to engage PhD students from various countries and scientific backgrounds in topics related to communication and education for sustainability. The school will offer lectures, workshops, and field trips conducted by faculty from several universities in the Una Europa network (University of Bologna, Freie Universität Berlin, University College Dublin, University of Helsinki, KU Leuven, Complutense University of Madrid). With a transdisciplinary approach focused on enhancing soft skills, the main objectives of the summer school are to strengthen a critical and theoretical framework regarding the concept of sustainability and to develop strategies and skills related to sustainability education and communication.

Summary of the summer school:

  • 3 ECTS credits awarded;
  • No registration fee. Organizers will cover coffee breaks, lunches, materials, and the bus for the field trip;
  • Erasmus - Scholarship granted by the home institution for PhD students from Freie Universität Berlin, KU Leuven, Complutense University of Madrid, University College Dublin, University of Helsinki (no scholarship for PhD students from the University of Bologna);
  • Unique opportunity to build a network among international PhD students interested in sustainability;
  • Theoretical and methodological approaches;
  • Conferences, workshops, and excursions.



The call has now closed. 

The summer school was open exclusively to PhD students from any discipline related to sustainability, affiliated with one of the following Una Europa partners: University of Bologna, Freie Universität Berlin, KU Leuven, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, University College Dublin, or the University of Helsinki.

Application Process
Applicants were required to submit a motivation letter (up to 400 words) and a curriculum vitae (up to 2 pages) to the designated contacts at their university. The motivation letter needed to include the applicant's name, research topic, affiliation, and full contact details. A minimum English proficiency level of B2 was also recommended.

We welcomed applications from PhD candidates whose research focuses on sustainability-related areas. Given the summer school's transdisciplinary nature, we were open to candidates from various scientific backgrounds.

Applications were accepted starting from March 15th, 2024. Since different partner universities may have set different application deadlines, applicants were advised to contact the assigned person at their university for specific details.

Successful applicants were to be notified of their acceptance by the University of Bologna after April 30th, 2024.


List of contact persons/office for the applications, for each  university:

Complutense University:; Álvaro Ramírez García,
University of Helsinki: Silvia Gaiani,
KU Leuven:
Freie Universität Berlin:
University College Dublin: Enda Murphy,
University of Bologna: Elisa Cappuccio,


 Una Europa information page 


Prof. Stefano Piastra, Prof. Annarita Ferrante, Prof.ssa Elena Toth

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

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