Programme Sustainability in communication and education

Preliminary schedule. Speakers and themes

June 11th, 2024, 14.00-17.00: on line preliminary event, coordinated by Janina Taigel (FU Berlin) and Elena Toth (University of Bologna).
Lecture by Enda Murphy (UC Dublin) and Tim Smits (KU Leuven)


July 1st-5th, 2024, in Bologna.

Marta Ilardo, Marta Salinaro (University of Bologna), The GreenComp (the European Sustainability Competence Framework): a tool to reflect on social and environmental issues from an interdisciplinary perspective

 Gonzalo Jover, Juan Peña-Martínez, Patricia Martín-Puig (Complutense University of Madrid), Workshop on transformative education via Service-Learning and Design For Change

 Luca Ferrari, Elena Pacetti, Alessandro Soriani (University of Bologna), Workshop, Let's talk about sustainability: strategies to manage debates and feedbacks

Jesús Sanz Abad, Isabel González Enríquez (Complutense University of Madrid), Workshop, What communication strategies to face of climate change? Narrative strategies and tools for building a transformative narrative on sustainability and climate change

Francesco Girotti, Elena Luppi (University of Bologna), Workshop, European transnational projects in sustainability. Exploring synergies across disciplines

Gregorio Martín-de Castro (Complutense University of Madrid), Be and Seem: How Organizations Communicate and Build a Sustainable Image & Legitimacy and the Emerging Phenomenon of Greenwashing-Brownwashing

Annett Wienmeister (FU Berlin), Workshop, Should academics fly? Scientific mobility and sustainability – an ethical challenge

Silvia Gaiani (University of Helsinki), Smart ways to communicate sustainability in food


Field trip in Gessi Bolognesi Regional Park, World Heritage UNESCO “Evaporitic Karst and Caves of Northern Apennines”


Welcome, closing and social events will be organized.