Local Task Force @ Alma Mater Fest

The Una Europa Local Task Force has been actively involved in Alma Mater Fest, the institutional welcome event of the University of Bologna. In 2021, Unibo students and Local Task Force members participated in a design-thinking workshop called "UNIVERSITY OF THE FUTURE? YES, PLEASE!" During this event, groups of students from the University of Bologna gathered in the Rectorate of the University and shared their ideas on initiatives and actions to create a student community across the different countries of the Una Europa alliance. In the meanwhile, a stand in Piazza Scaravilli, just outside the Rectorate, was collecting ideas from students and citizens about their university of the future. In 2022, the Local Task Force organised the "BOLOGNA'S SECRETS HUNT", a Treasure Hunt through the streets of Bologna, with riddles to be solved in search of the University’s treasure! It was an exciting initiative that involved hundreds of students, allowing them to get to know each other and, the meantime, discover the city of Bologna.