a non-techincal course on data-driven decision making
Enrolment is open!
It is a learning path leading to extracting meaning from data: a competence that is becoming everyday more and more important. Data do not speak for themselves; we need to give them a voice by correctly analyzing them and putting them in a reasonable framework.
The focus of the 2025 edition will be on Health Data science, that is how data understanding can help in addressing today’s most important questions in public health, medicine and basic biology. We will explore how digital technologies can improve health prevention, its monitoring and healthcare assistance, and how data can contribute to the creation of a more sustainable healthcare system.
The course will last five months and will be taught in English. It will award 9 ECTS University educational credits (CFU) and aims to provide participants with a basic understanding of data science projects. Specifically, participants will:
- Develop the ability to cooperate in groups to produce simple analyses.
- Understand the outcomes of more complicated analyses.
- Focus on the path from problems to data analytic solutions.
- Communicate the results of data analysis.
The LLC will introduce professionals to the fundamentals of data science in a non-technical way, equipping them with the skills to appreciate the importance of data-driven decision making and effectively interact with technical data science teams within their organizations.
The programme is composed of three modules:
- Delivered through the University of Bologna Moodle platform.
- Each module awards 2 CFU for a total of 4 CFU.
- Includes 20 hours of asynchronous videolessons, and additional activities (online tutoring, further reading/individual study, active/interactive online activities, assessment), requiring a total commitment of 100 hours.
- Consists of 35 hours of frontal classroom lessons (21 hours of frontal teaching and 14 hours of other activities).
- Takes place over a full-time week (7 hours a day for 5 days).
- Followed by individual and/or group project work during the subsequent two weeks.
- Any first cycle degree or second cycle degree awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04 (or single cycle degrees awarded under the degree programme systems in force prior to Ministerial Decree DM 509/99).
- Any first cycle degree or second cycle degree awarded abroad and valid for admission to the programme.
- High school diploma with work experience of at least 3 years.
- Self-certification of B2 level of English language.
For more information see the annex or visit the website