Bringing Una Europa to European Students in Forlì!

On May 18th, the Una Europa Student Local Task Force at the University of Bologna proudly represented the alliance at the European Youth Parliament (EYP)'s European Youth Event (EYE) in Forlì. This event welcomed around 2,500 students from various corners of Italy and Europe.

Dynamic Collaboration and Innovative Solutions

The event provided a platform for participants eager to tackle pressing climate change issues through brainstorming and problem-solving sessions. The European Youth Event (EYE) is renowned for gathering thousands of young people from across Europe, offering them an opportunity to share their ideas and shape the future of the European Union.

Highlights of the Day

The workshop commenced with a presentation introducing Una Europa, offering participants an overview of the alliance's mission and the specific goals of the workshop. To stimulate ideas and foster discussions, a collective brainstorming activity focused on climate change served as an engaging icebreaker. This activity helped participants warm up and start thinking creatively about the challenges ahead.

Following the icebreaker, the workshop delved into three key topics designed to inform and guide the discussions:

  • Environmental Impacts of Cars and Regulations: Exploring how regulations can drive sustainable practices.
  • Impact of Natural Disasters on Cultural Heritage: Understanding the threats and finding ways to protect our shared heritage.
  • Agriculture’s Role in Climate Change and Public Health: Examining the interplay between farming practices, climate, and health.

Group Work and Solution Development

Participants then engaged in group discussions, representing different countries and focusing on practical solutions to the issues presented. This exercise facilitated a rich exchange of ideas and perspectives, showcasing the power of collective thinking.

One of the standout solutions emerged from the group representing Greece, which proposed the following measures:

- Improve Railway Network, Buses, Ferries, Car Sharing, and Bike Rental Services: Enhancing the transportation infrastructure to provide more sustainable options.

- Advertise Sustainable Tourism: Promoting eco-friendly travel practices to reduce the environmental impact of tourism.

- Enhance Accessibility: Offering tickets via credit card and implementing a unified transport app to streamline and simplify travel.


A special thanks goes to the dedicated team members who contributed to the success of this workshop: Gülfem Sabırlı, Raul Tiani, Sara Hasanli, Humberto Dapelo, Alma Zanella, Samanta Brahaj, Sara Melindi, Sara Visentini, Angelica Porcheddu, and Luisa Zaccherini. Their commitment and collaboration were instrumental in making a meaningful impact and creating lasting memories.

Thank you to everyone who participated and made this event memorable! Let's continue to work together towards a brighter, more sustainable future.
