Arianna Romani

Hey there,i'm Arianna Romani and I work as Research Manager at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the University of Bologna. My role involves managing research projects and developing strategies for the Department.

What attracted you to participate in the UnaEuropa Live My Life programme?

I was attracted to the UnaEuropa Live My life programme because I was eager to explore how my role develops at another university abroad and to embrace and learn from the differences. This experience has been enlightening, offering fresh perspectives on work organisation that I can implement and share with my team.

What have been your main experiences during the programme?

It is not just about work; I have also had the chance to immerse myself in a new culture. In addition, it was a fantastic networking opportunity. I connected with a wonderful colleague and her team, broadening my horizons and opening my mind to new possibilities.


Live My life 2024