Webinar - 25 Settembre 2023 (10:30-12 CET)
Date: 25 SEPTEMBER 2023 from 10:30 to 12:00
Event location: Online event
Within the Una Europa alliance, the Una.Resin project (Una Europa RESearch and INnovation eco-system) aims to develop supportive roadmaps and test innovative models for barrier-free cross-border and interdisciplinary collaboration. Within this perspective, a webinar co-hosted by the University of Bologna and the University of Helsinki, with the support of KU Leuven, will be held on 25 September 2023 (10:30-12 CET) entitled: "Policy Discussion on Research Data Management: case studies from UH & UNIBO".
The aim of the webinar is to recount the research data management experiences of both universities, to find points of comparison and similarities in practices and services for researchers.
Alma Mater's contribution will focus on the university data steward service, starting with a quick overview of the national and institutional political context regarding open science. It will then discuss information tools, events and support strategies implemented by the research services for researchers and technical-administrative staff of the university (e.g. specific training meetings for each research group; a training course for doctoral students; the production of templates for Data Management Plans; information videos on key concepts of data management etc.). Special attention will be paid to the university data policy, which is currently being revised and will be published soon.
University of Helsinki will present their experience with the implementation of their research data policy, which includes a dissemination but also an implementation plan at the level of academic units, where each of the four campuses of the University of Helsinki will write its own action plan and implementation plan in 2023. As an example of university-wide data policy actions, the project for long-term archiving of research data (TPAT), which includes archiving and repository solutions for researchers, will be presented.
The discussion will focus on the disciplinary and multidisciplinary challenges and needs in the management of research data. With a vision to improve the research support services of partner universities, this webinar will be an opportunity to discuss how collaboration and innovation - which are the very pillars of the Una.Resin project and the Una Europa alliance - can also be put into practice in the long term.