Student Local Task Force at European Youth Event - Forlì

Climate Quest: Flowing with Solutions for Challenges

  • Date: 18 MAY 2024  from 14:00 to 16:00

  • Event location: Forlì, Teaching Hub, Corpo C, Aula 9 - First Floor

The EYE (European Youth Event) Forlì is the national version of the large free event hosted by the European Parliament every two years in Strasburg, bringing together over 10,000 young people from all over Europe to discuss the future of the continent. On the occasion of the next European elections (8 and 9 June 2024), the European Parliament is funding the organisation of four national EYE editions, which will be held in Berlin (Germany) and Vilnius (Lithuania), in Brežice (Slovenia) and for the first time in Italy, in Forlì.

The EYE in Forlì is taking place from 17 to 19 May 2024, organised by Punto Europa / University of Bologna and supported by the European Parliament.  The event is addressed to all young people aged between 16 and 30. Participants will be able to meet other young people, exchange ideas with experts, activists and decision-makers , and explore crucial themes such as active citizenship, action against climate change, and the role of youth in society.

On May 18 at 2.00 pm, the Una Europa Student Local Task Force @ University of Bologna is helding the workshop "Climate Quest: Flowing with Solutions for Challenges".  On the first anniversary of the devastating flood in Emilia- Romagna region, it will be an opportunity to reflect together on the local effects of climate change, explore European perspectives and initiatives aimed at environmental stewardship and sustainability.

After an ice-breaking session, Student Local Task Force members will provide with a general introduction about the Una Europa alliance. The workshop will be then focusing on climate change and European environmental regulations, highlighing in particular projects and initiatives spearheaded by the countries of the Una Europa alliance.  Attendees will be then split in working - groups to asked to get ideas and practical solutions to face the issue, facilitated by Student Local Task Force members. The seminar will end with a plenary session where all participants are encouraged to share their reflections and projects.

Una Europa Student Local Task Force members are waiting for you at EYE Forlì on May 18 at 2.00 pm at the Teaching Hub (Corpo C, Aula 9, First floor) to share ideas and get practical solutions to the climate change challenge.


All EYE Forlì activities will be free of charge. During the whole  weekend, participants will have the opportunity to explore the city through guided tours, concerts and evening performances. Board and lodging costs will be borne by participants, but special discounts will be available.

For further information, visit the official website 


An event not to be missed out!