2024 edition

Fee: 300,00 €

Application deadline: June 30, 2024 (h23:59 CET)

Payment deadline: July 5, 2024 (h23:59 CET)


How to apply

a) every applicant should fill the “Application form” (available in the highlights at the bottom of this page)

b) applicants who are resident in Italy should fill the form “Dati fatturazione per RESIDENTI” (also available in the highlights at the bottom of this page)

c) applicants who are not resident in Italy, should fill the form “Data invoice for FOREIGN STUDENTS” (also available in the highlights at the bottom of this page)

d) applicants who have the fee paid by an institution, should fill the form “Dati fatturazione elettronica per ENTI" (also available in the highlights at the bottom of this page)

e) every applicant must send such documents duly completed as attachments to the e-mail address: vgalletti@fondazioneflaminia.it 


How to complete the registration

After sending the necessary documents, applicants will receive via e-mail the instructions to proceed with the payment.

The participants who are resident in Italy  will receive via email or PEC (or SDI for those who have “partita IVA”) the invoice and the payment notice PagoPA, whereas the applicants who are not resident in Italy will received instruction to proceed with a bank transfer.

Registration is considered completed only when the payment of the fee is fulfilled.


Early bird registration

The first ten applications to participate will receive a free copy of the book "European judicial cooperation in cross-border litigation", edited by Paolo Biavati and Michele Angelo Lupoi, published by Bologna University Press in 2024.

First come, first served!

The complimentary copy of the book will be granted upon confirmation of payment of the registration fee.

Until 9 June 2024 (23.59 CET) those who are entitled to apply to the call for papers can send their applications to try to attend the Summer School free of charge


ProJuRes - Promoting Junior Researchers in transnational litigation, namely the space of the Ravenna Summer School on transnational litigation completely dedicated to young jurists, has launched its call for papers for the 2024 edition.


Law students and law graduates who are under 30 years of age as of 1 January 2024 are offered the opportunity to participate in this call.


The winner will have the opportunity to attend the Summer School fully free of charge, while ordinarily the participation in the 2024 edition requires the payment of a registration fee of €300,00.

The best three papers will be published, one per week, in the Linkedin Newsletter of the Summer School “Transnational Litigation Pills” (see at https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/6963604527434354688/) .


In order to participate, it is necessary to send to francesca.albi@unibo.it by 9 June 2024:


  • an original and previously unpublished paper in English on a topic in the area of Cross-border Civil Litigation and International Arbitration (Word format; lenght between 15.000 and 30.000 characters including spaces);
  • the applicant's CV in English;
  • a copy of the applicant's ID document.


The papers received will be evaluated by the members of the Scientific Direction of the Summer School (see at https://site.unibo.it/transnational-litigation/en/organising-committee) that will select the best three of them and the winner at its sole discretion.

The name of the winner will be published on the Summer School's Linkedin profile at https://it.linkedin.com/company/ravenna-summer-school-on-transnational-litigation-university-of-bologna and communicated by e-mail to the person concerned by 16 June 2024.


For any enquiry, please contact dott.ssa Francesca Albi at francesca.albi@unibo.it


The file of the call for papers is available at https://site.unibo.it/transnational-litigation/en/projures and among the highlights at the bottom of this page. 

2 borse di studio finanziate dallo Studio Legale Squire Patton Boggs

Sei iscritto almeno al terzo anno di un corso di studio magistrale a ciclo unico in Giurisprudenza presso un’Università con sede centrale in Italia?

Lo sai che lo Studio Legale Squire Patton Boggs ha messo a disposizione 2 borse di studio di 300,00 € l’una che potrebbero consentirti di partecipare alla Summer School senza pagare la tassa di registrazione?

Per partecipare alla selezione, invia entro il 20 giugno 2024 al prof. Michele Lupoi micheleangelo.lupoi@unibo.it una domanda di partecipazione.

Allega alla tua mail:

  • il certificato di iscrizione almeno al terzo anno di un corso di studio magistrale a ciclo unico di Giurisprudenza presso un’Università con sede centrale in Italia;
  • una lettera motivazionale; 
  • una lettera di referenza di un docente universitario di Diritto processuale civile, Diritto internazionale (pubblico o privato), Diritto dell’arbitrato;
  • la copia di un documento d’identità in corso di validità;
  • la dichiarazione ISEE/ISPE in corso di validità. 

Per info: micheleangelo.lupoi@unibo.it.

Il regolamento è disponibile negli highlights in fondo a questa pagina.