L. Barbiero; M. Casadei; M. Dalmonte; C. Degli Esposti Boschi; E. Ercolessi; F. Ortolani, Phase separation and pairing regimes in the one-dimensional asymmetric Hubbard model, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2010, 81, pp. 224512-1 - 224512-13 [Scientific article]
P. Finelli, Hypernuclear spectra from in-medium chiral dynamics: A refined fit analysis, «NUCLEAR PHYSICS. A», 2010, 835, pp. 418 - 421 [Scientific article]
L.A. Gergely; Z. Keresztes; A.Yu. Kamenshchik; V. Gorini; U. Moschella, Do supernovae favor tachyonic Big Brake instead de Sitter?, in: INVISIBLE UNIVERSE: Proceedings of the Conference, New York, American Institute Of Physics, 2010, 1241, pp. 884 - 891 (atti di: INVISIBLE UNIVERSE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: Toward a new cosmological paradigm, Paris, France, 29 Jun - 3 Jul 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Rizzi; S. Cacciatori; V. Gorini; A. Kamenshchik; O.F. Piattella, Dark matter effects in vacuum spacetime, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D, PARTICLES, FIELDS, GRAVITATION, AND COSMOLOGY», 2010, 82, pp. 027301 - 027301 [Scientific article]
A.Y. Kamenshchik; C.M.F. Mingarelli, A Generalized Heckmann-Schucking cosmological solution in the presence of a negative cosmological constant, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 2010, 693, pp. 213 - 217 [Scientific article]
R. Zucchini, The Gauging of BV algebras, «JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS», 2010, 60, pp. 1860 - 1880 [Scientific article]
Z. Keresztes; L.A. Gergely; A.Y. Kamenchtchik; V. Gorini; D. Polarski, Will the tachyonic Universe survive the Big Brake?, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D, PARTICLES, FIELDS, GRAVITATION, AND COSMOLOGY», 2010, 82, pp. 123534 - 123534 [Scientific article]
R. Balbinot; ; I. Carusotto; A. Fabbri; A. Recati., Testing Hawking particle creation by black holes through correlation measurements., «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D», 2010, D 19, pp. 2371 - 2377 [Scientific article]
I. Carusotto| ; R. Balbinot|; A. Fabbri|; A.Recati, Density correlations and dynamical Casimir emission of Bogoliubov phonons in modulated atomic Bose-Einstein condensates., «THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. D, ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS», 2010, 56, pp. 391 - 404 [Scientific article]
E. Ercolessi; G. Marmo; G. Morandi, From the equations of motion to the canonical commutation relations, «LA RIVISTA DEL NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI FISICA», 2010, 33, pp. 401 - 590 [Scientific article]
E. Ercolessi, La Geometria tra Matematica e Fisica: Minkowski, Poincare', Hilbert, in: Fisica e Matematica: due storie intrecciate - LA FISICA NELLA SCUOLA, s.l, s.n, 2010, Quaderno 21, pp. 81 - 90 (atti di: Fisica e Matematica: due storie intrecciate, Ferrara, 30/11-5/12/2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
C. P. Burgess;M. Cicoli;M. Gómez-Reino;F. Quevedo;G. Tasinato;I. Zavala, Non-standard primordial fluctuations and nongaussianity in string inflation, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2010, 2010, pp. 1 - 32 [Scientific article]
Michele Cicoli;Anupam Mazumdar, Reheating for closed string inflation, «JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS», 2010, 2010, pp. 1 - 63 [Scientific article]
Bastianelli, F.; Corradini, O.; Pisani, P. A. G.; Schubert, C., Worldline approach to QFT on manifolds with boundary, in: Quantum field theory under the influence of external conditions. Proceedings, 9th Conference, QFEXT09, Norman, USA, September 21-25, 2009, Singapore, World Scientific, 2010, pp. 415 - 420 (atti di: 9th Conference on quantum field theory under the influence of external conditions, Norman, OK, USA, 21 - 25 Sep 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
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E. FRATINI; PIERI, Pierbiagio, Pairing and condensation in a resonant Bose-Fermi mixture, «PHYSICAL REVIEW A», 2010, 81, pp. 051605(R)-1 - 051605(R)-4 [Scientific article]
J. P. Gaebler; J. T. Stewart; T. E. Drake; D. S. Jin; PERALI, Andrea; PIERI, Pierbiagio; STRINATI CALVANESE, Giancarlo, Observation of pseudogap behaviour in a strongly interacting Fermi gas, «NATURE PHYSICS», 2010, 6, pp. 569 - 573 [Scientific article]
PALESTINI, FABRIZIO; PERALI, Andrea; PIERI, Pierbiagio; STRINATI CALVANESE, Giancarlo, Temperature and coupling dependence of the universal contact intensity for an ultracold Fermi gas, «PHYSICAL REVIEW A», 2010, 82, pp. 021605-1 - 021605-4 [Scientific article]
A. SPUNTARELLI; PIERI, Pierbiagio; STRINATI CALVANESE, Giancarlo, Solution of the Bogoliubov-deGennes Equations at Zero Temperature Throughout the BCS-BEC Crossover: Josephson and Related Effects, «PHYSICS REPORTS», 2010, 488, pp. 111 - 167 [Scientific article]
A. L. SUBASI; PIERI, Pierbiagio; G. SENATORE; B. TANATAR, Stability of Sarma phases in density imbalanced electron-hole bilayer systems, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2010, 81, pp. 075436-1 - 075436-7 [Scientific article]