Barreira A; Li BJ; Hellwing WA; Baugh CM; Pascoli S, Nonlinear structure formation in nonlocal gravity, «JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS», 2014, 09, pp. 031 - 064 [Scientific article]
Boehm C; Schewtschenko JA; Wilkinson RJ; Baugh CM; Pascoli S, Using the Milky Way satellites to study interactions between cold dark matter and radiation, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2014, 445, pp. L31 - L35 [Scientific article]
Adey D; Agarwalla SK; Ankenbrandt CM; Asfandiyarov R; Back JJ; Barker G; Baussan E; Bayes R; Bhadra S; Blackmore V; Blondel A; Bogacz SA; Booth C; Boyd SB; Bramsiepe SG; Bravar A; Brice SJ; Bross AD; Cadoux F; Cease H; Cervera A; Cobb J; Colling D; Coloma P; Coney L; Dobbs A; Dobson J; Donini A; Dornan P; Dracos M; Dufour F; Edgecock R; Geelhoed M; Uchida MA; Ghosh T; Gomez-Cadenas JJ; de Gouvea A; Haesler A; Hanson G; Harrison PF; Hartz M; Hernandez P; Morata JAH; Hodgson P; Huber P; Izmaylov A; Karadzhov Y; Kobilarcik T; Kopp J; Kormos L; Korzenev A; Kuno Y; Kurup A; Kyberd P; Lagrange JB; Laing A; Liu A; Link JM; Long K; Mahn K; Mariani C; Martin C; Martin J; McCauley N; McDonald KT; Mena O; Mishra SR; Mokhov N; Morfin J; Mori Y; Murray W; Neuffer D; Nichol R; Noah E; Palmer MA; Parke S; Pascoli S; Pasternak J; Plunkett R; Popovic M; Ratoff P; Ravonel M; Rayner M; Ricciardi S; Rogers C; Rubinov P; Santos E; Sato A; Sen T; Scantamburlo E; Sedgbeer JK; Smith DR; Smith PJ; Sobczyk JT;, Light sterile neutrino sensitivity at the nuSTORM facility, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D, PARTICLES, FIELDS, GRAVITATION, AND COSMOLOGY», 2014, 89, pp. 071301 - 071307 [Scientific article]
Mitra M; Pascoli S; Wong S, Effect of cancellation in neutrinoless double beta decay, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D, PARTICLES, FIELDS, GRAVITATION, AND COSMOLOGY», 2014, 90, pp. 093005 - 093023 [Scientific article]
Van Deurzen H.; Luisoni G.; Mastrolia P.; Mirabella E.; Ossola G.; Peraro T., Multi-leg one-loop massive amplitudes from integrand reduction via Laurent expansion, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2014, 2014, pp. 1 - 38 [Scientific article]
Peraro T., Ninja: Automated integrand reduction via Laurent expansion for one-loop amplitudes, «COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS», 2014, 185, pp. 2771 - 2797 [Scientific article]
Cullen G.; van Deurzen H.; Greiner N.; Heinrich G.; Luisoni G.; Mastrolia P.; Mirabella E.; Ossola G.; Peraro T.; Schlenk J.; von Soden-Fraunhofen J.F.; Tramontano F., GoSam-2.0: a tool for automated one-loop calculations within the Standard Model and beyond, «THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. C, PARTICLES AND FIELDS», 2014, 74, pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article]
Andrea Meucci;Matteo Vorabbi;Carlotta Giusti;Franco Davide Pacati;Paolo Finelli, Elastic and quasi-elastic electron scattering off nuclei with neutron excess, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. C, NUCLEAR PHYSICS», 2013, 87, pp. 054620-1 - 054620-14 [Scientific article]
M. Cicoli;S. Krippendorf;C. Mayrhofer;F. Quevedo;R. Valandro, D3/D7 branes at singularities: constraints from global embedding and moduli stabilisation, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2013, 2013, pp. 1 - 31 [Scientific article]
Michele Cicoli;Sven Krippendorf;Christoph Mayrhofer;Fernando Quevedo;Roberto Valandro, The web of D-branes at singularities in compact Calabi-Yau manifolds, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2013, 2013, pp. 1 - 28 [Scientific article]
M. Cicoli;S. Alwis;A. Westphal, Heterotic moduli stabilisation, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2013, 2013, pp. 1 - 50 [Scientific article]
C.P Burgess;M Cicoli;F Quevedo, String inflation after Planck 2013, «JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS», 2013, 2013, pp. 003 - 003 [Scientific article]
Rouzbeh Allahverdi;Michele Cicoli;Bhaskar Dutta;Kuver Sinha, Nonthermal dark matter in string compactifications, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D, PARTICLES, FIELDS, GRAVITATION, AND COSMOLOGY», 2013, 88, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]
Michele Cicoli;Sean Downes;Bhaskar Dutta, Power suppression at large scales in string inflation, «JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS», 2013, 2013, pp. 007 - 007 [Scientific article]
Michele Cicoli;Joseph Conlon;Fernando Quevedo, Dark radiation in LARGE volume models, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D, PARTICLES, FIELDS, GRAVITATION, AND COSMOLOGY», 2013, 87, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]
M. Cicoli, Axion-like Particles from String Compactifications, in: Proceedings of the 9th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, 2013, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 9th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, Mainz, Germany, 24-28/06/2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
C T Potter; H Mantler; S Lehti; I Puljak; H Kim; R Klees; D De Florian; R K Ellis; S Frixione; J Thompson; J Huston; S Y Choi; D Rebuzzi; M Schulze; J Yu; R Rietkerk; R Di Nardo; M Zaro; R Harlander; S Dittmaier; C Oleari; A David; F Maltoni; L Kashif; B Di Micco; M Vazquez Acosta; P T E Taylor; S O Moch; J Olsen; S Bolognesi; G Weiglein; M Ubiali; M Rauch; F J Tackmann; D Wackeroth; N V Tran; Y Gao; M Muhlleitner; P Vanlaer; X Liu; A Whitbeck; M Zanetti; T Peraro; D Del Re; G Degrassi; J M Smillie; P Monni; E Mirabella; F Schissler; K Mawatari; D Tommasini; P Torrielli; S Heinemeyer; P Govoni; P Slavich; M Kramer; G Sborlini; R Tanaka; R Hernandez-Pinto; J R Walsh; G Passarino; C Zhang; C Wagner; G Ferrera; Z Trocsanyi; C Mariotti; G P Salam; B Mellado; M Kadastik; D Gillberg; T J E Zirke; F Krauss; A Rizzi; P Bolzoni; Q Li; C Neu; M Schonherr; T Becher; M Grazzini; P Musella; M Carena; M V Garzelli; E A Bagnaschi; A Kardos; W J Waalewijn; O Stal; J Mazzitelli; D C Hall; D J Miller; , Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 3. Higgs Properties: Report of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group, in: Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 3. Higgs Properties, CERN, 2013, 1, pp. 1 - 404 (atti di: LHCXSWG, CERN, 4 july 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Artoisenet, P.; De Aquino, P.; Demartin, F.; Frederix, R.; Frixione, S.; Maltoni, F.; Mandal, M.K.; Mathews, P.; Mawatari, K.; Ravindran, V.; Seth, S.; Torrielli, P.; Zaroi, M., A framework for Higgs characterisation, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2013, 2013, pp. 1 - 38 [Scientific article]
Zhang, Cen*; Maltoni, Fabio, Top-quark decay into Higgs boson and a light quark at next-to-leading order in QCD, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D, PARTICLES, FIELDS, GRAVITATION, AND COSMOLOGY», 2013, 88, pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article]
Papanastasiou, A.S.*; Frederix, R.; Frixione, S.; Hirschi, V.; Maltoni, F., Single-top t-channel production with off-shell and non-resonant effects, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 2013, 726, pp. 223 - 227 [Scientific article]