Publications - Gravitation and Cosmology

  • Cicoli M.; Licheri M.; Mahanta R.; McDonough E.; Pedro Francisco Gil ; Scalisi M, Early Dark Energy in Type IIB String Theory, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2023, 2023, pp. 1 - 47 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Balbinot R.; Fabbri A., Quantum energy momentum tensor and equal time correlations in a Reissner-Nordström black hole, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D», 2023, 108, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Balbinot, Roberto; Fabbri, Alessandro, The Hawking Effect in the Particles–Partners Correlations, «PHYSICS», 2023, 5, pp. 968 - 982 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Brinkmann M.; Cicoli M.; Zito P., Starobinsky inflation from string theory?, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2023, 2023, pp. 1 - 25 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Casadio, Roberto; Kamenshchik, Alexander; Kuntz, Iberê, Absence of covariant singularities in pure gravity, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D», 2022, 31, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Cicoli M.; Cunillera F.; Padilla A.; Pedro F.G., Quintessence and the Swampland: The Parametrically Controlled Regime of Moduli Space, «FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSIK», 2022, 70, pp. 1 - 5 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Cicoli M.; Cunillera F.; Padilla A.; Pedro F.G., Quintessence and the Swampland: The Numerically Controlled Regime of Moduli Space, «FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSIK», 2022, 70, pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • A. Kamenchtchik, A. Tronconi, G. Venturi, DBI inflation and warped black holes, «JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS», 2022, 01, pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • L. Giani, O.F. Piattella, A. Kamenchtchik, Bianchi IX gravitational collapse of matter inhomogeneities, «JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS», 2022, 2022, pp. 0 - 16 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • A.O. Barvinsky, A.Y. Kamenchtchik, Preferred Basis, Decoherence and the Quantum State of the Universe, in: Claus Kiefer, From Quantum to Classical, Fundamental Theories of Physics, Heidelberg, Springer, 2022, pp. 97 - 120 [Chapter or essay]

  • A.Y. Kamenchtchik, A.A. Starobinsky, T. Vardanyan, Massive scalar field in de Sitter spacetime: a two-loop calculation and a comparison with the stochastic approach, «THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. C, PARTICLES AND FIELDS», 2022, 82, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Kuntz, Iberê; Casadio, Roberto; Kamenshchik, Alexander, Covariant singularities: A brief review, «MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A», 2022, 37, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • FRANCISCO MANUEL SOARES VERISSIMO GIL PEDRO ; Matteo Moretti, Environmental selection of the cosmological constant and electroweak scales, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2022, 2022, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Roberto Balbinot; Alessandro Fabbri, Quantum correlations across the horizon in acoustic and gravitational black holes, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D», 2022, 105, pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Cicoli M.; Hebecker A.; Jaeckel J.; Wittner M., Axions in string theory — slaying the Hydra of dark radiation, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2022, 2022, pp. 1 - 63 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Cicoli M.; Licheri M.; Mahanta R.; Maharana A., Flux vacua with approximate flat directions, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2022, 2022, pp. 1 - 53 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Cicoli M.; Guidetti V.; Righi N.; Westphal A., Fuzzy Dark Matter candidates from string theory, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2022, 2022, pp. 1 - 51 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Abdalla E.; Abellan G.F.; Aboubrahim A.; Agnello A.; Akarsu O.; Akrami Y.; Alestas G.; Aloni D.; Amendola L.; Anchordoqui L.A.; Anderson R.I.; Arendse N.; Asgari M.; Ballardini M.; Barger V.; Basilakos S.; Batista R.C.; Battistelli E.S.; Battye R.; Benetti M.; Benisty D.; Berlin A.; de Bernardis P.; Berti E.; Bidenko B.; Birrer S.; Blakeslee J.P.; Boddy K.K.; Bom C.R.; Bonilla A.; Borghi N.; Bouchet F.R.; Braglia M.; Buchert T.; Buckley-Geer E.; Calabrese E.; Caldwell R.R.; Camarena D.; Capozziello S.; Casertano S.; Chen G.C.-F.; Chluba J.; Chen A.; Chen H.-Y.; Chudaykin A.; Cicoli M.; Copi C.J.; Courbin F.; Cyr-Racine F.-Y.; Czerny B.; Dainotti M.; D'Amico G.; Davis A.-C.; de Cruz Perez J.; de Haro J.; Delabrouille J.; Denton P.B.; Dhawan S.; Dienes K.R.; Di Valentino E.; Du P.; Eckert D.; Escamilla-Rivera C.; Ferte A.; Finelli F.; Fosalba P.; Freedman W.L.; Frusciante N.; Gaztanaga E.; Giare W.; Giusarma E.; Gomez-Valent A.; Handley W.; Harrison I.; Hart L.; Hazra D.K.; Heavens A.; Heinesen A.; Hildebrandt H.; Hill J.C.; Hogg N.B.; Holz D.E.; Hooper D.C.; Hosseininejad N.; Huterer D.; Ishak M.; Ivanov M.M.; Jaffe A.H.; Jang I.S.; Jedamzik K.; Jimenez R.; Joseph M.; Joudaki S.; Kamionkowski M.; Karwal T.; Kazantzidis L.; Keeley R.E.; Klasen M.; Komatsu E.; Koopmans L.V.E.; Kumar S.; Lamagna L.; Lazkoz R.; Lee C.-C.; Lesgourgues J.; Levi Said J.; Lewis T.R.; L'Huillier B.; Lucca M.; Maartens R.; Macri L.M.; Marfatia D.; Marra V.; Martins C.J.A.P.; Masi S.; Matarrese S.; Mazumdar A.; Melchiorri A.; Mena O.; Mersini-Houghton L.; Mertens J.; Milakovic D.; Minami Y.; Miranda V.; Moreno-Pulido C.; Moresco M.; Mota D.F.; Mottola E.; Mozzon S.; Muir J.; Mukherjee A.; Mukherjee S.; Naselsky P.; Nath P.; Nesseris S.; Niedermann F.; Notari A.; Nunes R.C.; O Colgain E.; Owens K.A.; Ozulker E.; Pace F.; Paliathanasis A.; Palmese A.; Pan S.; Paoletti D.; Perez Bergliaffa S.E.; Perivolaropoulos L.; Pesce D.W.; Pettorino V.; Philcox O.H.E.; Pogosian L.; Poulin V.; Poulot G.; Raveri M.; Reid M.J.; Renzi F.; Riess A.G.; Sabla V.I.; Salucci P.; Salzano V.; Saridakis E.N.; Sathyaprakash B.S.; Schmaltz M.; Schoneberg N.; Scolnic D.; Sen A.A.; Sehgal N.; Shafieloo A.; Sheikh-Jabbari M.M.; Silk J.; Silvestri A.; Skara F.; Sloth M.S.; Soares-Santos M.; Sola Peracaula J.; Songsheng Y.-Y.; Soriano J.F.; Staicova D.; Starkman G.D.; Szapudi I.; Teixeira E.M.; Thomas B.; Treu T.; Trott E.; van de Bruck C.; Vazquez J.A.; Verde L.; Visinelli L.; Wang D.; Wang J.-M.; Wang S.-J.; Watkins R.; Watson S.; Webb J.K.; Weiner N.; Weltman A.; Witte S.J.; Wojtak R.; Yadav A.K.; Yang W.; Zhao G.-B.; Zumalacarregui M., Cosmology intertwined: A review of the particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology associated with the cosmological tensions and anomalies, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY ASTROPHYSICS», 2022, 34, pp. 49 - 211 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Broeckel I.; Cicoli M.; Maharana A.; Singh K.; Sinha K., On the Search for Low W0, «FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSIK», 2022, 70, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Cicoli M.; Schachner A.; Shukla P., Systematics of type IIB moduli stabilisation with odd axions, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2022, 2022, pp. 1 - 55 [Scientific article] Open Access