Phenomenological aspects of black-hole mimickers
Date: 06 DECEMBER 2022 from 14:30 to 15:30
Recent tests of gravity in the strong field regime are in agreement with general relativity, and astrophysical black holes are in accordance with the Kerr spacetime. Yet, the statistical error on current observations allows for small yet detectable deviations from this description. Moreover, the existence of singularities and the inability to resolve them within general relativity, invokes for a consistent UV-complete quantum theory of gravity.Missing such quantum theory, valuable insights might come studying regularised effective spacetimes and alternative end-states of gravitational collapse.These investigations are important to test, set bounds and constraints, and even rule off alternative models and theories.In this talk, I will give an overview on my recent research on phenomenologically viable regular black holes and the echoes signal from compact object scenarios that account for possible backreaction phenomena.