Call for participation

We invite applications for the "Catching Language Data" Summer School which will take place online on 21-25 June 2021. The School consists of 4 plenaries and 6 half-day workshops by world-renowned scholars covering most aspects of the linguistic data collection process. Each workshop will consist of a theoretical part and a practical tutorial. The participation to the School is free of charge, but limited to 30 people.


The Summer School will be held online.

Eligibility criteria

Being enrolled in a PhD program.

How to apply

Applicants should fill out the application form that can be found at the following url:

They will be asked to provide information about their PhD project, previous attendance to other schools or tutorials on methodological aspects, and their knowledge of endangered or understudied languages. In addition, they are asked to submit a short motivation letter in English (max 2000 characters including spaces). The applications will be assessed by the Scientific Board of the Summer School: the best 30 applications will be admitted.


Applications must be submitted by April 10, 2021 at 5 pm CET.