


  • Application deadline: July 5, 2024, at 1:00 pm 
  • Oral interview: July 8, 2024 
  • Ranking publication: July 15, 2024 
  • Enrollment period: from July 15, 2024 to July 25, 2024

Call for Application

Find out the call for applications for all details on enrollment procedures!

Please, note that all the information provided on this page serves as a general guide and does not replace the indications given in the official call for applications.

All students who intend to apply to the Summer School must strictly comply with the procedures set out in the call for application.



The Summer School is specifically designed for students currently enrolled in master's degrees promoted by MUNER, with 30 reduced fee positions dedicated to them. However, it is also open to all students who hold a bachelor's degree in industrial or electronic engineering or an equivalent foreign qualification.

Admission is subject to an assessment of qualifications and an interview

The lists of qualified candidates will be available for consultation starting from July 15, 2024, on the website .


Reduced fees and full fees positions

  • 30 reduced fee positions will be assigned based on a ranking list to applicants enrolled in master's degree programs promoted by MUNER. Students assigned a reduced fee position will only have to pay fixed expenses, equivalent to 17.04 euros.
  • 10 additional places are open to all students who are willing to pay the full registration fee (2,000 €), with no additional access requirements except for holding a three-year degree in engineering, in the fields of industrial or electronic, or possessing an equivalent foreign qualification.

The School will cover the following expenses without requiring further payment from the students:

  • Accommodation at the CEUB in Bertinoro from August 18, 2024 (check-in) to September 1, 2024 (check-out) in either a single or double room, depending on availability.
  • Meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) from the evening of August 18, 2024, to the morning of September 1, 2024, except for August 24 (Saturday) and August 25 (Sunday), as the dining service will not be available on these dates.
  • Company interships, including transportation to/from Bertinoro.


Find out the call for applications for all details on enrollment procedures!

Please, note that all the information provided on this page serves as a general guide and does not replace the indications given in the official call for applications.

All students who intend to apply to the Summer School must strictly comply with the procedures set out in the call.

Please, find below the link to the full text of the call for applications ↓

Go to the website