aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
An explicit wall crossing for the moduli space of hyperplane arrangements
aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
Punti razionali su 3-varieta' con classe anticanonica nef su campi finiti
aula Vitali, ore 11:00
The space of valuated (pre)orders as the spectrum of a ring
aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
Good moduli spaces of A_r-stable curves
aula Seminario 2, ore 14:30
Affine laminations and coaffine representations of surface groups
aula Bombelli, ore 11:20
Morse-ness in convex projective geometry
aula Bombelli, ore 11:20
The combinatorics of plethysm
aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
Symplectic automorphisms on hyperkaehler varieties
aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
Linear degenerations of Schubert varieties via quiver Grassmannians
aula Pincherle, ore 11:15
The Hermitian geometry of the Chern connection
aula Vitali, ore 11:15
The simplicial volume and its spectrum
aula Vitali, ore 11:15
Special Hermitian metrics on complex manifolds