Seminario 2
Totally geodesic immersions of hyperbolic manifolds
Aula e orario variabili
Minicorso: Stability conditions on stacks
Seminario 2 ore 16:00
On some formality problems in deformation theory
Seminario 2 ore 16.00
Sviluppi recenti sulla congettura di Lang: quozienti di domini limitati
Seminario VIII piano ore 14:00
Resolution of Ideals Associated to Subspace Arrangements
Seminario 2 ore 14:15
Bifurcation currents for families of group representations in higher rank
Aule Enriques ore 14:00
Minicorso: Grassmannians and statistical models
Aula Enriques ore 11.00
Symmetric quivers and symmetric varieties
Seminario VIII piano ore 14:00
Fibrati vettoriali big
Seminario 2 ore 11
Hyperbolic 4-Manifolds with perfect circle-valued Morse functions
Aula Enriques ore 14:00
Minicorso: Stratified spaces and degenerations
Aula Arzelà ore 16:00
On the Behrend function and the blowup of some fat points