UNIME unit

Prof. Antonino Pennisi

Coordinator of UNIME Unit

Prof. Alessandra Falzone

Vice Coordinator of UNIME Unit

Prof. Antonino Bucca

Member of UNIME Unit

Prof. Valentina Cardella

Member of UNIME Unit

Prof. Rosalia Cavalieri

Member of UNIME Unit

Prof. Paola Pennisi

Member of UNIME Unit

Paola Pennisi is associate professor of Philosophy of Language at the Department of Adult and Childhood Human Pathology "Gaetano Barresi", University of Messina. She teaches Philosophy of Language, Psychopathology of Language, Evolutionary Philosophy, and Psychology. Additionally, she serves as a committee member for the PhD program in Cognitive Science at the University of Messina and is a member of the editorial board of "Reti, Saperi, Linguaggi: Italian Journal of Cognitive Sciences". Her research focuses on cognitive science, particularly theories of language and cognition in relation to psychopathological conditions, with a specific interest in autism spectrum disorders, language disorders and eating disorders.

Prof. Donata Chiricò

Member of UNIME Unit