
Discover ReSMILE!

We launched ReSMILE to promote research on ecological dynamics of small islands, especially on plant communities. We think that small islands deserve attention, as they provide insights to understand broad ecological processes (e.g., immigration, extinction, and evolution).

We actually focus on the Mediterranean basin, but we are open to collaborations to extend our study area.

BIOME Lab (University of Bologna) is coordinating ReSMILE, with several international partners. Surf the website to get up to date with our projects!

Great news! MEDIS database is now available online!

We just published MEDIS, the first spatial database encompassing the 2,217 Mediterranean islands larger than 0.01 km2.
Check it out by clicking the button below!

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Join the resurvey project of small Mediterranean islands!

We aim to resurvey a subset of small Med islands, after 30 years from previous vegetation plot surveys.

We have already collected data on more than 40 small islands, but we are open to expand our dataset, in particular for the following isands:
- Corsica (France): Gargalu, Lavezzu, Piana
- Sardinia (Italy): Serpentara
- Sicily (Italy): Lampione, Isola dei Conigli
- Columbretes islands (Spain): Illa Grossa, Foradada

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