About the project

REBOUND reflects upon, discusses and problematizes through multiple angles and perspectives the compounded changes in borders in the European Union (EU) since the refugee crisis of 2015.


Michela Ceccorulli

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Jean Monnet Module - ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH - 101084744

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The EU is an actor in so far as it possesses borders it can master. During the refugee crisis of 2015 borders have proved to be an easy fix, both internally and in relations with the external world. During the Covid-crisis, borders have again been resorted to as an immediate solution. Recently, the borders of the EU have been kept open to millions of Ukrainians leaving the conflict. However, their impact goes beyond practical and tangible effects for those affected to acquire a profound cognitive meaning. For all these reasons, the use of borders by the EU deserves a central attention, which is precisely the focus of this Module.