
REBOUND is a Team. People involved look at the issue of borders from different angles, adding to the interdisciplinarity of the project.

Michela Ceccorulli - REBOUND Project Manager

Michela Ceccorulli - REBOUND Project Manager

Associate Professor, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna

Michela Ceccorulli is Associate Professor at the University of Bologna. She is also Adjunct Professor at the Dickinson Center for European Studies.  Her research interests lie around migration, security and security governance. Among her publications, 'Framing irregular immigration in security terms: the Libya case, Florence, Florence University Press, 2014; with Sonia Lucarelli and Enrico Fassi (eds), The EU Migration System of Governance. Justice on the Move', Palgrave 2021 and with Nicola Labanca (eds), 'The EU, migration and the politics of administrative detention', Routledge, 2014. She has widely published on security governance and migration in many academic publications and journals, among which European Security, Contemporary Security, Mediterranean Politics, West European Politics and The International Spectator.

Fabio Casini - REBOUND Team

Fabio Casini - REBOUND Team

Adjunct Professor, Department of Political and Scoial Sciences, University of Bologna; Manager, Punto Europa, Forlì (Italy)

Fabio Casini has achieved a PhD in "Institutions, Ideas and Political Movements in Contemporary Europe", at the University of Pavia, with a research project on “the Birth and the development of the information policy of the European Communities (1952-1967)”. He has attended several courses on Euro-project management and reporting. He completed his training with courses on politics and decision making in the public administration. Manager of Punto Europa Forlì since December 2000. Punto Europa has become in 2007 an Europe Direct Information Centre of the European Commission, in 2014 has been recognized by the European Commission as a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and in 2018 as an European Documentation Centre. He has always worked in the field of European project management and reporting, taking part to several funding calls (many of those were granted from the European institutions). He is very experienced in teaching euro-project management in Italy and abroad.

Maria Laura Lanzillo -REBOUND Team

Maria Laura Lanzillo -REBOUND Team

Full Professor, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna

Maria Laura Lanzillo, Ph.D. in Political Philosophy (University of Pisa), is Full Professor of History of Political Thought at Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna (Italy). She's editor in chief of «Filosofia politica» (ed. by Il Mulino – Bologna) and Scientific Director of web journal «Governare la paura. Journal of interdisciplinary Studies» ( Her research focuses on dialectical thought particulary in France and Italy in the 20th century (i.e. Alexandre Kojève and Giovanni Gentile), on Voltaire's political thought, on French liberalism, particularly on Alexis de Tocqueville, and on the concepts of tolerance and multiculturalism in an historical and political perspective. Her research is also focused on the concepts of fear and security, liberty and utopia. She is currently engaged in a funded research project on the concept of voluntary servitude both from a historical-political perspective and with a focus on today's return of this concept as a hermeneutic category of new forms of “illiberty” in the crisis of liberal democracy.

Giuliana Laschi -REBOUND Team

Giuliana Laschi -REBOUND Team

Associate Professor, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna

Associate Professor (since 2005) of Contemporary history and History of European integration, University of Bologna, Social and Political Department, Forlì Campus. She is Jean Monnet Chair ad personam in History of the European Integration; President of the Scientific Committee of Punto Europa Forlì - Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence.Member of the Self-Steering Committee European Studies of UnaEuropa (appointment of University); Local coordinator of the Joint Bachelor in European Studies of Una Europa. PhD in History at the European University Institute (EUI) where she was also Research Fellow. She has organized national and international conferences and she is the leader of various European research projects. Among her latest books: L’Europa e gli altri. (2015); Storia dell’integrazione europea (2021). Among her recent edited books: Europe between Migrations, Decolonization and Integration (2020) with Valeria Deplano e Alessandro Pes; L’Europa adulta. (2020) with Elena Calandri and Simone Paoli.

Claudio Minca -REBOUND Team

Claudio Minca -REBOUND Team

Full Professor, Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna


Claudio Minca is a cultural geographer with a strong interest in social and political theory. Before taking up his current position at the University of Bologna, he has worked in a range of diverse international contexts. After having started his academic career in Italy, at the universities of Trieste and Venice, he was appointed as Professor of Geography at Newcastle University and at Royal Holloway, University of London. He subsequently worked as Head of Department at Wageningen University, in the Netherlands, and at Macquarie University, in Australia. His main research projects have focused on the relationship between spatial theory, biopolitics and modernity. He has also written extensively on philosopher Giorgio Agamben and legal theorist Carl Schmitt. His most recent books are Appunti di Geografia (2022), Camps Revisited (2019, with I.Katz and D.Martin), After Heritage (2018, with H.Muzaini), Hitler’s Geographies (2016, with P.Giaccaria), Moroccan Dreams (2016, with L.Wagner), On Schmitt and Space (2015, with R.Rowan). Recently, he has received an ERC Advanced Grant for a project entitled: TheGAME: Counter-mapping informal refugee mobilities along the Balkan Route.

Marco Puleri -REBOUND Team

Marco Puleri -REBOUND Team

Assistant Professor, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna

Marco Puleri is Senior Assistant Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna. His research interests include contemporary Russian and Ukrainian sociocultural developments and nation-building in the post-Soviet area. His latest book is Ukrainian, Russophone, (Other) Russian: Hybrid Identities and Narratives in Post-Soviet Culture and Politics (Peter Lang, 2020). He has written several articles on the Ukrainian and Russian cultural and social history.  From 2015 to 2017, he has been among the coordinators of the international research project (2015-2017) entitled Russia and China in the Global World. State and Society between internal dynamics and external projections. From 2018 to 2020 he has worked on a research project entitled Multiculturalism and Regionalism in Post-Maidan Ukraine. Since September 2020 he has been member of the steering committee of the International Research Project (Erasmus + Strategic Partnership, 2020-2023) “GLocalEAST – Developing a new curriculum in Global Migration, Diaspora and Border Studies in East-Central Europe” (

Sonia Lucarelli -REBOUND Team

Sonia Lucarelli -REBOUND Team

Full Professor, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna

Sonia Lucarelli is Professor at the University of Bologna, member of the Board of Directors of the Forum on the Problems of Peace and War and of the Institute of International Affairs. She is responsible for Unibo of the Memorandum between the Unibo and NATO Allied Command Transformation, and the representative of Unibo in the Consortium Europaeum. Lucarelli has been Resident Member of the Bologna Institute for Advanced Studies, and Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute. Her areas of expertise include the EU foreign policy and external image, European security, NATO, European identity and Foreign Policy, Migration and Global Justice. She is Team Leader in the project GLOBUS: Reconsidering European Contributions to Global Justice (Horizon 2020); and has been Lead Scientist in the project PREDICT (NATO grant); in the Network of Excellence GARNET (EU VI FP) and in the Research project EU-GRASP (EU VII FP). She has also received grants for individual research  form NATO, the Volkswagen Stiftung, the Ministry of foreign Affairs and IAI. Her latest book is: Cala il sipario sull'ordine liberale? Crisi di un sistema che ha cambiato il mondo (2020).