Il ruolo dell'Italia nella UE. Prospettive storiche e sfide future/Italy's role in the EU. Historical perspectives and future challenges

The event explores Italy's role in the EU with attention to different bordering dynamics. Participants are: Ambassador Antonio Armellini Prof. Michela Ceccorulli (UNIBO) Prof. Michele Marchi (UNIBO) Moderator Prof. Giuliana Laschi (UNIBO) The event is also part of the REBOUND Project.

  • Date: 21 FEBRUARY 2023  from 19:00 to 20:30

  • Event location: Room 2, TH, Forlì - In presence and online event

Gli Ambasciatori e l'Europa. Ciclo di Conferenze/Ambassadors and the EU. Cycle of Conferences

Organized within the framework of 'L'Europa sul sofà'/Europe one the sofa, Punto Europa Forlì