Bachelor's degree theses


In order to apply for any of the following theses or internships, the candidate must have no more than 3 exams left.

Quick-look tools for deep space tracking


At present, the orbit determination of deep space missions relies mainly on Earth-based radiometric measurements, namely ranging, Doppler, and DDOR. These are derived from the properties of the radio link between the spacecraft and one or more ground stations on the Earth. The main sources of noise affecting the radio link are: interplanetary plasma, Earth’s troposphere and ionosphere, thermal noise in the electronics.
The objective of this project is to develop a Python tool to quickly evaluate the quality of the radiometric measurements acquired at the ground stations, without the need of a detailed orbit determination analysis. The candidate will have to retrieve and load all the relevant inputs, including: radiometric measurements, meteorological data, station configuration, spacecraft telemetry. Then, the most important parameters affecting the link quality will be computed and displayed. An automatic test report will be generated.

Generation of synthetic images using GANs for the training of object detection algorithms

Synthetic images are crucial in training AI-based image processing techniques since the availability of real image examples for deep space missions is limited. This thesis explores using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to bridge the domain gap between synthetically generated images created with 3D computer graphic software and real mission imagery. The synthetic images generated will be used as a base for the GAN algorithm to add the noise extracted from real images. The improved synthetic images generated through this approach will subsequently be used to train an existing image detection algorithm based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to detect particles orbiting small bodies.

Topic: Neural networks
Tutor: Aurel Zeqaj
Uploaded: 28/01/2025

Modeling the transfer orbit of a mission in a cislunar environment

In the context of Circular Restricted Three Body Problem (CRTBP) Lagrangian points are characterized by a gravitational equilibrium between two bodies, where a third smaller object can maintain stable or quasi-stable orbits. These orbits offer the advantage of keeping a spacecraft ever in line of sight with Earth, allowing constant communication for data transfer and navigation procedures.

Lagrangian points are the destination for science-based missions such as JWST, SOHO or GAIA, as well as for operational applications such as Queqiao-1 and Queqiao-2, which are critical in supporting robotic missions landed on the far side of the Moon.

The goal of this project is to design a transfer trajectory from Low Earth Orbit to a quasi-Halo orbit around Earth-Moon L2 Lagrangian point. The candidate will use General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT), an open-source software for orbit propagation and mission design, to achieve this objective. Additionally, the project will involve working with other tools commonly used in mission planning and spacecraft operations.

Data Acquisition and Data Visualization Tools for Voyager 2 Uranus flyby

So far, only one spacecraft has flown closely by Uranus: Voyager 2, in 1986.
However, in anticipation of a future NASA flagship mission to Uranus, it is crucial to determine which data have already been collected, their location relative to the planet, and the instrument used for their acquisition. The thesis work will focus on retrieving and learning how to scientifically visualize the data collected by various Voyager 2 instruments around Uranus, verifying whether these data support or refute the existence of a ring of ionized plasma around the planet.

Topic: Data Analysis / Plasma Physics
Tutor: Giuliano Vinci
Uploaded: 28/01/2025

Analysis of JunoCam Images of the Jovian System

In the field of planetary science, the Juno spacecraft has provided crucial data over several years in the Jupiter system, observing the planet and its moons across a broad range of wavelengths. During its extended mission phase, Juno has delivered important insights into the Jovian moons as its orbit has evolved, enabling crucial flybys and the acquisition of invaluable data. One of the sensors on-board the spacecraft is the JunoCam, an outreach instrument designed to acquire images of the planet and its moons. While important for the acquisition of data in the visible range of wavelengths, the JunoCam can additionally be used in support of navigation activities and gravity experiments: by computing the attitude of Juno and estimating the position of the target in the camera frame, this information can be effectively used to improve the confidence on the state of the spacecraft and its trajectory.

In this context, the objective of this thesis is the analysis of the available dataset of JunoCam images from the Planetary Data System (PDS) to assess target visibility and possible assistance to orbit determination procedures. The candidate will convert raw data as received from the spacecraft, write systematic routines to query for data, and perform limb fitting procedures on the observed targets to extract sample and line coordinates of the centroid of Jupiter and its moons, as well as contextualize the results with respect to the spacecraft distance and trajectory from the target using data from the Navigation Node of the PDS.

Topic: Data Analysis
Tutor: Andrea Togni
Uploaded: 28/01/2025

Same beam interferometry for orbit determination

Precision orbit determination is essential for advancing scientific knowledge of gravitational fields and ephemerides. Subtle deviations in a spacecraft's trajectory can provide critical insights into mass distribution, tidal forces, and gravitational anomalies. For missions involving multiple spacecraft, high-precision relative positioning could be key, particularly in complex or chaotic orbital environments.
Same Beam Interferometry (SBI), where signals from two spacecraft are simultaneously received by a single antenna, provides a powerful method for precise orbit determination. By analyzing the phase difference between the two signals, SBI enables highly accurate relative position measurements between the spacecraft. This approach inherently cancels common systematic errors, such as atmospheric delays and clock biases, while achieving high angular resolution.
SBI is especially valuable in missions like JUICE and Europa Clipper, where two spacecraft operating near Europa can exploit the technique to precisely track relative motion, detect orbital perturbations, and improve the sensitivity to forces influencing the spacecraft. Its ability to combine high precision with minimal hardware requirements makes it an important resource for space exploration.
The objective of this project is to develop a Python tool for efficiently evaluating the feasibility of Same Beam Interferometry (SBI) for the JUICE and Europa Clipper missions. The tool will leverage the latest predicted trajectories provided by the navigation teams. Additionally, it will include an error budget analysis and explore the feasibility of utilizing same-beam tracking with two ground stations.

Topic: Interferometry / Numerical Computation
Tutor: Andrea Magnanini
Uploaded: 28/01/2025

Investigating the impact of Gravity Waves on Radio Occultation Measurements

Gravity waves are perturbations that originate in the denser, lower layers of the atmosphere and propagate upward, transporting both energy and momentum. First identified in Earth's middle and upper atmosphere, they have since been observed throughout the Solar System, not only on terrestrial planets but also in the atmospheres of gas giants. These waves play an important role in shaping atmospheric dynamics, influencing large-scale circulation, turbulence, and energy distribution. However, their potential impact on radio occultation experiments - a remote sensing technique widely used to sound planetary atmospheres - is still uncertain. This project aims to investigate the potential effects of gravity waves on radio signals received during an occultation experiment. By modeling the interaction between radio waves and gravity wave-induced atmospheric fluctuations, this study seeks to assess whether these waves introduce measurable distortions in the retrieved atmospheric profiles retrieved by Juno. Understanding these effects is crucial for improving the accuracy of radio occultation data interpretation, which in turn will enhance our ability to study Jupiter’s atmospheric structure, composition, and dynamics.

Topic: Physics / Radio Occultations
Tutor: Matteo Fonsetti
Uploaded: 04/02/2025

Synergistic Use of JUICE Radar Instruments for Exploring Ganymede’s Icy Crust

The JUICE Mission, developed by ESA to explore the Jovian system, will orbit Jupiter and pass close to its icy moons—Ganymede, Callisto and Europa—from 2031 to 2035. During its final orbital phase around Ganymede, the main target of the mission, the spacecraft will have several opportunities the moon’s icy shell by means of its remote sensing instruments.

In particular, JUICE is equipped with the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME), which can penetrate Ganymede’s icy crust to reveal its internal composition, ice purity, and structural characteristics. Additionally, the mission’s radio science experiment, 3GM, has the potential to conduct bistatic radar (BSR) observations of the moon’s near-surface environment. The different wavelengths of these two instruments offer an opportunity for a synergistic approach, allowing for a more comprehensive exploration of Ganymede’s crust.

The purpose of this thesis work is to search for overlapping observational tracks between RIME and BSR during JUICE’s final orbital phase around Ganymede. The candidate will model the spacecraft’s ground-track and the bistatic radio link between JUICE and Earth bouncing off Ganymede, to find observational windows where both radar instruments illuminate scientifically and geologically relevant regions of the moon.

Topic: Bistatic Radar / Numerical Computation
Tutor: Giancorrado Brighi
Uploaded: 07/02/2025

Simulating Spacecraft Observations Using Cosmographia

Cosmographia is a 3D visualization tool widely used for mission analysis and science planning. By simulating spacecraft trajectories and sensor orientations, it allows for the generation of expected images of celestial bodies from a given mission's point of view. This capability is crucial for evaluating observation conditions, predicting image quality, and planning scientific investigations.

The goal of this thesis is to use Cosmographia to simulate specific mission phases and generate expected spacecraft views of target bodies. The candidate will analyze these synthetic images to assess their scientific value, evaluate visibility conditions, and explore potential improvements in observation strategies. One key case study will be the Hera mission, specifically its Mars flyby and nominal asteroid operations, but the methodology can be extended to other missions.

Analysis of Radio Occultation Experiments from the MAVEN Mission for the Study of Mars’ Atmosphere

MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) is a NASA spacecraft orbiting Mars to study the loss of the planet's atmospheric gases to space, providing insight into the history of the planet's climate. This thesis aims to analyze data from radio occultation experiments conducted by the spacecraft, with the objective of reconstructing the structure of Mars' atmosphere.
A radio occultation experiment is a technique used to study the atmosphere of a planet or moon. During such experiments, a spacecraft transmits radio waves toward a receiver, typically located on Earth, while it moves behind the celestial body relative to the observer. By analyzing the changes in the radio signal as it passes through the atmosphere, we can derive vertical profiles of atmospheric properties.
The data analysis will employ the ray-tracing technique, which allows for modeling the propagation of radio waves transmitted by the spacecraft as they pass through the Martian atmosphere, accounting for the phenomenon of refraction. The goal is to determine key parameters such as density, temperature, and pressure profiles, offering new insights into the atmospheric dynamics under the specific conditions of each experiment.
This project is part of the broader context of space missions dedicated to planetary exploration, contributing to the improvement of existing atmospheric models and enhancing our understanding of Mars' environmental conditions.

Topic: Radio Occultations / Data Analysis
Tutor: Andrea Caruso
Uploaded: 25/02/2025