Luciano Iess;Mauro Di Benedetto;Nick James;Mattia Mercolino;Lorenzo Simone;Paolo Tortora, Astra: Interdisciplinary study on enhancement of the end-to-end accuracy for spacecraft tracking techniques, «ACTA ASTRONAUTICA», 2014, 94, pp. 699 - 707 [Scientific article]
L. Iess; D. J. Stevenson; M. Parisi; D. Hemingway; R.A. Jacobson; J. I. Lunine; F. Nimmo; J. W. Armstrong; S. W. Asmar;M. Ducci;P. Tortora, The Gravity Field and Interior Structure of Enceladus, «SCIENCE», 2014, 344, pp. 78 - 80 [Scientific article]
Dario Modenini; Paolo Tortora, Pioneer 10 and 11 orbit determination analysis shows no discrepancy with Newton-Einstein laws of gravity, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D, PARTICLES, FIELDS, GRAVITATION, AND COSMOLOGY», 2014, 90, pp. 022004-1 - 022004-15 [Scientific article]
Ada Vittoria Bosisio; Alberto Graziani; Vinia Mattioli; Paolo Tortora, On the computation of the path delay in deep space missions applications by means of a scalar radiometric-based indicator, in: 2014 13th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment (MicroRad), 2014, pp. 94 - 98 (atti di: 13th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment, MicroRad 2014, Pasadena, CA, USA, 24-27 March 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Alberto Graziani; Per Jarlemark; Gunnar Elgered; Antonio Martellucci; Mattia Mercolino; Paolo Tortora, Assessment of Ground-Based Microwave Radiometry for Calibration of Atmospheric Variability in Spacecraft Tracking, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION», 2014, 62, pp. 2634 - 2641 [Scientific article]
Marco Bosco; Paolo Tortora; Davide Cinarelli, Alma Mater Ground Station transceiver: A software defined radio for satellite communications, in: 2014 IEEE Metrology for Aerospace (MetroAeroSpace), 2014, pp. 549 - 554 (atti di: 2014 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace, MetroAeroSpace 2014, Benevento, Italy, 29-30 May 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Avanzi, Alessandro; Garcia, Alberto; Tortora, Paolo, Implementation and tuning of LEO satellites real-time navigation algorithm based on single frequency GPS measurements, in: 2014 7th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing, NAVITEC 2014 - Proceedings, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 7th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing, NAVITEC 2014, ESTEC, nld, 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Marco Zannoni; Paolo Tortora, Numerical Error in Interplanetary Orbit Determination Software, «JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS», 2013, 36, pp. 1008 - 1018 [Scientific article]
O. Grasset; M.K. Dougherty; A. Coustenis; E.J. Bunce; C. Erd; D. Titov; M. Blanc; A. Coates; P. Drossart; L.N. Fletcher; H. Hussmann; R. Jaumann; N. Krupp; J.-P. Lebreton; O. Prieto-Ballesteros; P. Tortora; F. Tosi; T. Van Hoolst, JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE): An ESA mission to orbit Ganymede and to characterise the Jupiter system, «PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE», 2013, 78, pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article]
G. Mariotti;P. Tortora, Experimental validation of a dual uplink multifrequency dispersive noise calibration scheme for Deep Space tracking, «RADIO SCIENCE», 2013, 48, pp. 111 - 117 [Scientific article]
Paolo Tortora; Susanne Crewell; Gunnar Elgered; Alberto Graziani; Per Jarlemark; Ulrich Loehnert; Antonio Martellucci; Mattia Mercolino; Thomas Rose and Jan Schween, AWARDS: Advanced microwave radiometers for Deep Space stations, «SPACE COMMUNICATIONS», 2013, 22, pp. 159 - 170 [Scientific article]
Gilles Mariotti; Alessandro Avanzi; Alberto Graziani; Paolo Tortora, Performance Assessment of a GNSS-Based Troposphere Path Delay Estimation Software, in: EGU 2013, 2013(atti di: EGU 2013, Vienna, 07 – 12 Aprile 2013) [Poster]
Gilles Mariotti; Alberto Graziani; Alessandro Avanzi; Paolo Tortora, A Dedicated Software For The Troposphere Path Delay Estimation By Processing Ground-Based Gnss Observables, in: 6th ESA International Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for Space applications, 2013, pp. 145 - 146 (atti di: 6th ESA International Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for Space applications, ESOC, Darmstadt (DE), 10-13 September 2013) [Abstract]
L. Iess; F. Budnik; C. Colamarino; A. Corbelli; M. Di Benedetto; V. Fabbri; A. Graziani; R. Hunt; N. James; M. Lanucara; R. Maddè; M. Marabucci; G. Mariotti; M. Mercolino; P. Racioppa; L. Simone; P. Tortora; M. Westcott; M. Zannoni;, Improving Tracking Systems For Deep Space Navigation, in: TTC 2013: 6TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRACKING, TELEMETRY AND COMMAND SYSTEMS, 2013, pp. 1 - 9 (atti di: TTC 2013: 6TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRACKING, TELEMETRY AND COMMAND SYSTEMS, ESOC, Darmstadt (DE), 10-13 September 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Iess; R.A. Jacobson; M. Ducci; D.J. Stevenson; J.I. Lunine; J.W. Armstrong; S.W. Asmar; P. Racioppa; N.J. Rappaport; P. Tortora, The Tides of Titan, «SCIENCE», 2012, 337, pp. 457 - 459 [Scientific article]
V. Dehant; B. Banerdt; P. Lognonné; M. Grott; S. Asmar; J. Biele; D. Breuer; F. Forget; R. Jaumann; C. Johnson; M. Knapmeyer; B. Langlais; M. Le Feuvre; D. Mimoun; A. Mocquet; P. Read; A. Rivoldini; O. Romberg; G. Schubert; S. Smrekar; T. Spohn; P. Tortora; S. Ulamec; S. Vennerstrøm, Future Mars geophysical observatories for understanding its internal structure, rotation, and evolution, «PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE», 2012, 68, pp. 123 - 145 [Scientific article]
A. Palli; P. Tortora, Selection of Mercury’s Surface Features Coordinates for the BepiColombo Rotation Experiment, in: Astrodynamics 2011 - ADVANCES IN THE ASTRONAUTICAL SCIENCES, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, Univelt, Inc., «ADVANCES IN THE ASTRONAUTICAL SCIENCES», 2012, 142, pp. 1851 - 1866 (atti di: AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Girdwood, Alaska , USA, July 31 - August 4 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
D. Modenini; P. Tortora, Re-examination of Pioneer 10 tracking data including spacecraft thermal modeling, in: Astrodynamics 2011 - ADVANCES IN THE ASTRONAUTICAL SCIENCES, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, Univelt, Inc., «ADVANCES IN THE ASTRONAUTICAL SCIENCES», 2012, 142, pp. 1583 - 1592 (atti di: AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Girdwood, Alaska , USA, July 31 - August 4 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Corbelli; D. Bruzzi; P. Tortora; M. Bocciarelli; B. Geffroy, THE ADAPTER AND SEPARATION SYSTEMS SERIES FOR THE VEGA LAUNCH VEHICLE, in: Proceedings of the 4S 2012, NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2012, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: Small Satellites Systems and Services - The 4S Symposium 2012, Portorož, Slovenia, 4 - 8 June 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
V. Fabbri; P. Tortora, PAYLOAD ORBITAL SEPARATION AND POLLUTION ANALYSIS TOOL FOR CLUSTER LAUNCHES OF SMALL SATELLITES, in: Proceedings of the 4S 2012, NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2012, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: Small Satellites Systems and Services - The 4S Symposium 2012, Portorož, Slovenia, 4-8 GIugno 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]