D. Bruzzi; A. Corbelli; A. Rivola; P. Tortora; G. Camauli, Test di vibrazione condotti sul microsatellite Almasat-1, «TUTTO MISURE», 2010, 2, pp. 123 - 127 [Scientific article]
A. Bevilacqua; C. Bianchi; L. Carozza; A. Gherardi; N. Melega; D. Modenini; P. Tortora, STANDALONE THREE-AXIS ATTITUDE DETERMINATION FROM EARTH IMAGES, in: Advances in the Astronautical Sciences Series, SAN DIEGO, Univelt, Inc., 2010, pp. 1 - 20 (atti di: 20th Space Flight Mechanics Meetings, San Diego, CA, 14-17 February 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
R. Cocomazzi; A. Avanzi; A. Corbelli; V. Fabbri; P. Tortora, ALMASat-1 Cold Gas Micropropulsion System: Final Layout, Qualification and Functional Tests, in: Proceedings of the Small Satellite Systems and Services Symposium, NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2010(atti di: Small Satellite Systems and Services Symposium, Funchal, Madeira – Portugal, 31 May – 4 June 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
V. Fabbri; F. Giulietti; P. Tortora; D. Barbagallo; A. Gabrielli, Development of a Payload Dispersion and Contamination Analysis Tool for the Vega Maiden Flight, in: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2010(atti di: 4th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, ESAC/ESA, Madrid, Spain, 3-6 May 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
D. Bruzzi; A. Corbelli; P. Tortora, Design, Assembly and Verification of the ALMASat-1 Separation System, in: Proceedings of the Small Satellite Systems and Services Symposium, NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2010(atti di: Small Satellite Systems and Services Symposium, Funchal, Madeira – Portugal, 31 May–4 June, 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
C. Bianchi; N. Melega; P. Tortora, Design, Development and Qualification of a Low-Mass, Low-Power Digital Sun Sensor, in: Proceedings of the Small Satellite Systems and Services Symposium, NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2010(atti di: Small Satellite Systems and Services Symposium, Funchal, Madeira – Portugal, 31 May – 4 June 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
D. Cinarelli; A. Di Domenico; A. Palli; S. Martì; N. Salerno; L. Simone; P. Tortora; A. J. Allen; I. C. F. Müller-Wodarg, On-Board Radio-Science: Science Requirements, System and Architectural Trade-Offs and Preliminary Performance Analysis, in: Proceedings of the 5th ESA International Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for Space Applications, NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2010(atti di: 5th ESA International Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for Space Applications, ESA/ESTEC, Noodrwijk, 21-23 September 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
D. Bruzzi; A. Corbelli; P. Tortora, Design and Verification of an Optimized Separation System for Microsatellites: The ALMASat-1 Case Study, in: Proceedings of the 61st International Astronautical Congress, RESTON, s.n, 2010(atti di: 61st International Astronautical Congress, Praga, Repubblica Ceca, 27 September – 1 October 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Graziani; A. Martellucci; P. Tortora, Review of instruments and techniques for tropo spheric calibration in radio science experiments, in: Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), LOS ALAMITOS, CA, IEEE, 2010, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: Fourth European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Barcellona, 12-16 Aprile 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
R. Jaumann; A. Coustenis; K. Stephan; N. Schmitz; R. Lorenz; R. Gowen; C. Erd; J-P. Lebreton; O. Prieto-Ballesteros; F. Raulin; F. Sohl; P. Tortora; G. Tobie; J. Pike; N. Floury; B. Brown; J. Soderblom, Scientific Objectives and Engineering Constraints of Titan Landing Sites, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Planetary Probe Workshop, BARCELLONA, CTAE – Centre de Tecnologia Aeroespacial, 2010, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 7th International Planetary Probe Workshop, Bercellona, Spain, 14-18 June 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Avanzi; P. Tortora, Design and implementation of a new spaceborne FPGA-based dual frequency GPS and Galileo software defined receiver, in: Proceedings of the 5th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies – NAVITEC, NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2010, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: 5th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies – NAVITEC, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 8-10 Dec. 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Graziani; A. Avanzi; P. Tortora, Results from the Scenario Simulation of the Radio Occultation Experiment Onboard ALMASat-EO Mission, in: Proceedings of the 5th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies – NAVITEC, NOORDWIJK, European Space Agency, 2010, pp. 1 - 5 (atti di: 5th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies – NAVITEC, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 8-10 Dec. 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Paolo Tortora; John W Armstrong; Sami W. Asmar; Luciano Iess; Robert A. Jacobson; Paolo Racioppa; Nicole J. Rappaport; Marco Zannoni, Determination of Saturn's Gravity Field from four Cassini Dedicated Flybys in the Prime and Equinox Missions, in: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2010, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, May 2010) [Abstract]
A. Bevilacqua; C. Bianchi; L. Carozza; A. Gherardi; N. Melega; D. Modenini; P. Tortora, STARS - Standalone Three-axis Attitude Reconstruction Sensor, in: Atti del XX Congresso Nazionale AIDAA (Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica ed Astronautica), MILANO, s.n, 2009, pp. 1 - 21 (atti di: XX Congresso Nazionale AIDAA, Milano, Italy, 29 June - 3 July, 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. M. Nobili; G. L. Comandi; S. Doravari; D. Bramanti; R. Kumar; F. Maccarrone; E. Polacco; S. G. Turyshev; M. Shao; J. Lipa; H. Dittus; C. Laemmerzhal; A. Peters; J. Mueller; C. S. Unnikrishnan; I. W. Roxburgh; A. Brillet; C. Marchal; J. Luo; J. Van der Ha; V. Milyukov; V. Iafolla; D. Lucchesi; P. Tortora; P. De Bernardis; F. Palmonari; S. Focardi; D. Zanello; S. Monaco; G. Mengali; L. Anselmo; L. Iorio; Z. Knezevic, Galileo Galilei’ (GG) a small satellite to test the equivalence principle of Galileo, Newton and Einstein, «EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY», 2009, 23, pp. 689 - 710 [Scientific article]
V. Dehant; W. Folkner; E. Renotte; D. Orban; S. Asmar; G. Balmino; J-P Barriot; J. Benoist; R. Biancale; J. Biele; F. Budnik; S. Burger; O. de Viron; B. Häusler; Ö. Karatekin; S. Le Maistre; P. Lognonné; M. Menvielle; M. Mitrovic; M. Pätzold; A. Rivoldini; P. Rosenblatt; G. Schubert; T. Spohn; P. Tortora; T. Van Hoolst; O. Witasse; M. Yseboodt, Lander radioscience for obtaining the rotation and orientation of Mars, «PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE», 2009, 57, pp. 1050 - 1067 [Scientific article]
L. Iess; S. Asmar; P. Tortora, MORE: An advanced tracking experiment for the exploration of Mercury with the mission BepiColombo, «ACTA ASTRONAUTICA», 2009, 65, pp. 666 - 675 [Scientific article]
G. Avanzini; F. Giulietti; P. Tortora, Magnetic Attitude Control Based on Non-Nominal Euler Axis, in: Proceedings of the XX AIDAA Congress, s.l, s.n, 2009, pp. 1 - 12 (atti di: XX AIDAA Congress, Milano, June 29 - July 3, 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Graziani; R. Bertacin; P.Tortora, Detection of the Multipath Effect in the ING2 GPS Station with a New Developed Software, in: Proceedings of the EUREF 2009 Symposium, s.l, s.n, 2009, pp. - - - (atti di: EUREF 2009 Symposium, Firenze, Italia, 27-30 May 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Richie-Halford; A. C.; L. Iess; P. Tortora; J. W. Armstrong; S. W. Asmar; R. Woo; S. R. Habbal; and H. Morgan, Space-time localization of inner heliospheric plasma turbulence using multiple spacecraft radio links, «SPACE WEATHER», 2009, 7, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]