The obsolescence of buildings and urban fabrics is among the key issues impacting on society at several levels. Energy efficiency and structural safety of the existing urban blocks, social inclusion and liveability of public spaces are the main challenges to be tackled in the contemporary cities.
The consequences of the economic crisis, such as rising unemployment, civic disengagement, and social exclusion are leading to increasing divided societies and undermining not only urban context but also rural areas, where these phenomena are even more intense and aggravated by the threats imposed by climate changes and environmental degradation.
We investigate the main issues related to urban regeneration principles aiming at defining new planning and design approaches and tools able to provide more vibrant, energy efficient and safer urban contexts, characterized by mixed-uses, high levels of public spaces and facilities, differentiated densities, accessible and liveable green areas.
Furthermore, we investigate the potential of Cultural and Natural Heritage as a driver for rural regeneration and sustainable growth, thus addressing culture as an enabler for sustainable development in all its dimensions and as a fundamental factor for achieving Europe 2020 strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.