PRIN 22: Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale
Mars is the extraterrestial habitat most similar to earth and is therefore a priority target of space exploration/ Mars missions (ongoing and in preparation) are focused on the search for life, understanding the evolution of the planet's surface and preparing for Mars sample return (MSR) missions as well as the future human exploration. Evaporite deposits are now considered among the strategic and priority objectives of the ongoing exploration of Mars, especially for future MSR missions. In this project, evaporite environments from the Tanezrouft desert and other samples of evaporite environments from sabkhas will be studied in order to define their chemical and mineralogical composition, to understand and recognize their most promising biofacies (in terms of microbial biodiversity/taphonomy and preservations of bio-signatures), and characterize its geomicrobiological aspects (microbiological-mineral interactions), through a multi-analytical approach. Such an approach will allow us to define the astrobiological potential of similar samples from Mars. The research activities will mainly focus on the mapping, sampling and characterization of samples from the Tanezrouft. Laboratory work includes optical and scanning electron microscopy, CLSM microscopy and Raman spectroscopy, as well as experiments with the synchrotron and SIMS to determine the organic phases of the biosignatures identified. Finally, the interpretation and publication of results.
PRIN 22: Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale - Bando 2022 Prot. 2022LFXTKY
Duration: 01 Marzo 2024 to 30 giugno 2025
Where does it take place: Bigea-UNIBO with two sampling campaigns in Algeria.
Financing details: Finanziato dall'Unione Europea - NextGenarationEU a valere sul Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) - Missione 4 Istruzione e ricerca - Componente 2 dalla ricerca all'impresa - Investimento 1.1, Avviso Prin 2022 indetto con DD N. 104 del 2/2/2022, dal titolo [Tanezrouft salt flat deposits (Sahara Desert): a priority target for a Mars Sample Return mission - AZALEA], codice proposta [2022LFXTKY] - CUP [J53D23001630006].
Project tax: info Tax code 80007010376VAT no. 01131710376INPS registration no. 1307451368
Collaborations: Monica Pondrelli (Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Geologia, International Research School of Planetary Sciences / Università d'Annunzio)