Europlanet Global Collaboration Workshop Series -- BOTSWANA


  • Data:

    19 NOVEMBRE 2021
  • Luogo: aula magna, BIUST, Palapye, Botswana

The Europlanet 2024 RI together with the  University of Bologna and Botswana International University of Science and Technology, is organizing the first of the Global collaboration and development Workshop Series in Palapye, Botswana.

Satellite for Space Science and Technology in Africa

Satellites are used for Earth observation, communication, navigation atmospheric studies, astronomical observations and military applications, and more. This first EPN2024 RI Workshop on Satellite for Space Science and Technology in Africa will brings together space tech specialists, scientists and students to discuss current topics in this rapidly developing space field. This workshop format is focusing on content and collaboration, and target to create a African network in planetary science.

The  Satellite for Space Science and Technology in Africa Workshop will enablepost-doc and career scientists to design satellite missions tackling scientific themes and specific target objects. The objective of the workshop is to discuss and reconcile recent methodological advances in the validation and application of global satellite. The workshop aims to provide ample opportunities to all those who are interested particularly multi-disciplinary academics, engineers, and researcher etc. The workshop would have a number of sessions including lectures, sharing and exchanging of ideas, and discussion panels on research relating to the scope of the workshop such as satellites, satellite subsystems, aerospace engineering, orbital and attitude dynamics of spacecraft, and Spacecraft-Environment interactions.

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Europlanet 2024 RI has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149.

Satellite for Space Science and Technology in Africa, EPN 2024 RI Workshop Series, 15.11.2021 - 19.11.2021, Palapye, Botswana



Barbara Cavalazzi

+39 051 2094564

+39 051 2094522

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barbara cavalazzi


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