Associate Professor
Collective Properties Extend Resistance to Photobleaching of Highly Doped PluS NPs
Genovese, D. , Rampazzo, E. , Zaccheroni, N. , Montalti, M. and Prodi, L.
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2017, 5094-5097.
Local pH oscillations witness autocatalytic self-organization of biomorphic nanostructures.
Montalti M., Zhang G., Genovese D., Morales J., Kellermeier M., García-Ruiz J.M.
Nat. Commun., 2017, 8, 14427.
Mechano- and Photochromism from Bulk to Nanoscale: Data Storage on Individual Self-Assembled Ribbons
Genovese, D.*, Aliprandi, A., Prasetyanto, E. A., Mauro, M., Hirtz, M., Fuchs, H., Fujita, Y., Uji-I, H., Lebedkin, S., Kappes, M. and De Cola, L.*
Adv. Funct. Mater., 2016. doi: 10.1002/adfm.201601269
Energy transfer processes in dye-doped nanostructures yield cooperative and versatile fluorescent probes
D. Genovese*, E. Rampazzo, S. Bonacchi, M. Montalti, N. Zaccheroni, and L. Prodi
Nanoscale (Feature Article), 2014, 6,6, 3022-3036
Reversible photoswitching of dye-doped core–shell nanoparticles
D. Genovese, M. Montalti, L. Prodi, E. Rampazzo, N. Zaccheroni, O. Tosic, K. Altenhoner, F. May and J. Mattay
Chemical Communication, 2011, 39, 10975-10977
Crystallization and intermittent dynamics in constricted microfluidic flows of dense suspensions
D. Genovese and J. Sprakel
PRIN 2022 "Redox triggered Aggregation Induced emission for high end application" (Roxanne)
PRIN 2022 - PNRR: "Piezochromic smart auto-diagnostic polymeric coatings" (STIGMA)
RICERCA FINALIZZATA MIN. della SALUTE 2021: "Nanotechnology-based Platforms for the improvEment of therapeutic strateGies in soft tissue sArcoma and melanoma leSiOns" (PEGASO)
ATTRACT 2022: "composti MEccanocromici coME additivi di matrici polimeriche per la realizzazioNe di smarT cOating attivati dalla pressione" (MEMENTO)
PRIN 2019: "Quantum detection of chiral-induced spin selectivity at the molecular level"
ATTRACT 2019: "Intrinsic lasing within microalgae to monitor biofuel production (LASinAFuel)"
ALMAIDEA 2018: "Biopolimeri fluorescenti e aggregazione proteica: un approccio multidisciplinare"
Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow 2013: "Mesoporous films as responsive membranes" Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – ISIS Strasbourg