PI of MEMlab and Associate Professor teaching courses on Prokaryotic Genomes, Molecular Microbiology and Systems & Synthetic Microbiology at UNIBO
Associate Professor teaching Microbial Biotechnologies at UNIBO and Director of Second Cycle Degree in Molecular and industrial biotechnology
Research collaborator on antibacterial properties of metal coatings and study of bacterial interaction with bioactive materials (RTD-A at UNIBO)
Research collaborator with expertise on omic data analysis and bioinformatics (RTD-A at UNITUS)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow applying bioinformatics tools to study the geomicrobiology of cave environments
Postdoctoral Research Fellow conducting research on the microbiology of filtering systems for the treatment/recovery of polluted waters and soils
PhD student working on the biology and stress response of Rhodococcus bacterial strains and on biochar for metal bioremediation and biorecovery
PhD student carrying out the study of molecular and metabolic mechanisms of microbial colonization of subterranean environments
Research Fellow conducting a research on the antibacterial properties of next-generation metal-based coatings for hospital surfaces and cultural heritage preservation.