Structural Engineering retrofitting and design optimization of existing structures and new design

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    master students involved in the final research, Post Doc


Department ofof Structural Geotechnical and Building Engineering, Politecnico di Torino


Main research activities/topics/projects

Research Description:

This research aims to explore advanced methodologies for retrofitting and design optimization of both existing structures and newly designed buildings. The primary focus is to develop innovative techniques that enhance the structural integrity, performance, and sustainability of buildings in response to evolving safety standards, material technologies, and environmental concerns.


 Key Objectives:

Retrofitting of Existing Structures:

 Investigate methods to upgrade older structures, particularly those not designed with modern safety codes, to withstand seismic activities, climate-related stresses, and increased loads.

Explore the use of new materials, such as fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP), high strength steel, and composite materials, to extend the lifespan of aging structures.

Evaluate cost-effective retrofitting techniques that minimize disruption to existing operations and maintain aesthetic integrity.


Design Optimization for New Structures:

Develop models for optimizing the structural design of new buildings to reduce material usage without compromising safety and durability.

Incorporate computational tools such as finite element analysis (FEA) and genetic algorithms for optimal material distribution and load-bearing efficiency.

Consider sustainability in design by integrating energy-efficient materials and construction methods aimed at reducing the carbon footprint.


Seismic and Environmental Resilience:

 Investigate retrofitting methods for seismic resilience in earthquake-prone areas and strategies to improve wind and flood resistance.

Evaluate the impact of climate change on structural safety and propose adaptation strategies for both existing and future infrastructure.


Multi-Criteria Design Optimization:

Integrate multiple performance criteria such as cost, sustainability, resilience, and ease of construction to optimize design choices.

Compare and contrast traditional and novel design approaches to provide a framework for decision-making based on the specific needs of a structure (residential, commercial, industrial).


Technological Integration:

 Explore the use of digital twin technolog


Working language



Special entry requirements

Basic programming skills (C++; MatLab; etc.)


Duration in months (min-max)

Master Research: 4-12

Post Doc: 3-6


Main Scientific Contact Person

Amedeo Manuello Bertetto


Other Scientific contact persons of the same group

Giuseppe Carlo Marano

+39 01109048473