Secure Biometric Recognition, Multimedia Forensics, Artificial Intelligence

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    PhD sandwich; Post Doc


Department of Industrial, Electronics and Mechanical Engineering, Roma Tre University 


Main research activities/topics/projects

The Biometrics and Multimedia Forensics Laboratory at Roma Tre University carries out research on biometric systems and on Multimedia Forensics using the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence.

More in detail, BioMedia4n6 Lab conducts research on both unimodal and multimodal biometric systems with emphasis on security and privacy requirements as well as on user’s usability. Dynamic signature, keystroke dynamics, vein patterns, cognitive biometrics (EEG biometrics), behavioral analysis, and gesture analysis are investigated. In addition, BioMedia4n6 Lab focuses on biometric systems security issues and on the design of privacy enhancing technologies (PETs), namely cancelable biometrics and biometric cryptosystems. Emphasis is given on the implementation of fully operating biometric systems on low power consumption devices, such as mobile devices, as well as on stand-alone solutions.

Biometrics for forensics purposes is also a topic of research.

De-identification techniques in multimedia content, i.e. the process of concealing the identities of individuals captured in a given set of data (images, video, audio, text), for the purpose of protecting their privacy, are investigated. Digital Watermarking methods, digital device identification, and data integrity verification also fall within the Lab’s topics of interests.


Working language



Duration in months (min-max)

PhD sandwich: 4-12

Post Doc: 4-12


Main scientific contact person

Patrizio Campisi


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Other scientific contact persons of the same group

Emanuele Maiorana

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