Mobility experience with a research focus
PhD sandwich; Post Doc
Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Udine
Monitoring and optimization of machining processes; modeling machining dynamics and solving chatter vibrations problems; intelligent machining systems and adaptive control; development of innovative sensors for monitoring the machining process, machinability of metallic materials; research in 3D printing / Additive manufacturing, with specific focus on L-PBF technique; advanced automation for machine tools
Basic knowledge of manufacturing technologies and systems; CAD/CAM/CNC programming skills are welcome Experience with CAE/FEA is welcome Good knowledge of Matlab is required; Any other knowledge with some Object Oriented Programming languages is welcome (C++, C#, Java, Python, ...) but not mandatory
PhD sandwich: 6-12
Post Doc: 3-12
Marco Sortino
Giovanni Totis
Emanuele Vaglio
Federico Scalzo