PhD in Sustainable Technologies for Industrial and Construction Engineering CD4 Construction and Preservation of the Built Environment Research Group 08/CEAR A4 Geomatics

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    PhD sandwich; Post Doc


Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences at University of Bergamo


Main research activities/topics/projects

The PhD program in Sustainable technologies for industrial and Construction Engineering deals with the study of complex problems with a technological approach, characterized by a high degree of multidisciplinarity. The PhD programs are within a polytechnic reality, in which we promote mutual relationships for the development of innovative approaches to research and teaching, focusing on the sustainability.

Within this context, the approach of the Geomatics Group towards sustainability is divided into three lines of research: sustainability in the control and geodetic monitoring of structures and environment; sustainability and climate changes, and sustainability in the enhancement of cultural, archaeological and environmental heritage. Specific subjects of Geomatics include: analytical approaches for studying gravitational field of the Earth and gravity variations as a function of variable density; numerical approaches to built DTMs; geomatic monitoring applied to structures, infrastructures and territory; Bayesian networks for controlling displacements of structures; multi-criteria methods for decision making processes; digital photogrammetry and remote sensing applied to buildings and cultural, landscape and environmental heritage; terrestrial laser-scanning and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) platforms for surveying, monitoring and management of emergencies; precision farming and analysis of the variations in soil use in relation to climate changes; GIS (Geographical Information Systems) and digital mapping.


Working language

English and Italian 


Duration in months (min-max)

PhD sandwich: 2-3

Post Doc: 3-12


Main Scientific Contact Person

Prof.ssa Maria Grazia D’Urso
Supervisor, Full Professor in Geomatics

Other Scientific contact persons of the same group

Prof.ssa Alessandra Marini
Coordinator, Full professor in Structural Engineering
