PhD in Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    PhD sandwich


Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences

Main research activities/topics/projects

  1. Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) and Applications. AutoML aims to reduce the manual effort required to build and deploy machine learning models. It democratizes machine learning by allowing individuals without extensive data science expertise to harness the power of machine learning for various tasks with a particular interest in clustering.
  2. Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) for Process Mining. Process Mining is a discipline that leverages data from an organization's IT systems to analyze and visualize business processes. AutoML for Process Mining aims to automate various aspects of the Process Mining workflow, making it more accessible and efficient.

Working language


Duration in months (min-max)

PhD sandwich: 6-12


Main scientific contact person

Sylvio Barbon Junior
Professore associato

Università degli Studi di Trieste - Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura (DIA) Via Alfonso Valerio, 6/1 - 34127 Trieste (Italy)

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Other scientific contact persons of the same group

Francesco Pauli
 Professore ordinario di Statistica

Università degli Studi di Trieste Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali, Matematiche e Statistiche "Bruno de Finetti" Via Valerio 4/1, Trieste

+39 040 558 2518

+39 040 567543
