MSc in Electrical Engineering

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    Master students involved in the final research


Department of Energy/School of Industrial and Information Engineering

Main research activities/topics/projects

The research group is working on the dynamic security of large electric networks, like the Italian 400/230 kV grid, or the European grid. In particular, the research activity is relevant to the evaluation of angle security, which involves the evaluation of the frequency features during the operation of power systems. That type of security can be evaluated looking at the behaviour of frequency during normal and abnormal operating conditions. That analysis  requires the evaluation of high resolution measurements coming from in real-time by Phase Measurement Units installed. The output of such measurements must be elaborated in real-time to assess the power system stability.

Special entry requirements

The candidate should be familiar with dynamics and control of power system. He/She should be able to manage dynamic simulations and algorithms by Matlab or a similar programming language.

Duration in months (min-max)

Master Research: 4-6 


Main scientific contact person

Alberto Berizzi

+39 02 2399 3728

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Other scientific contact person

Valentin Ilea

+39 02 2399 8503

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