Lean and Green Manufacturing

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    PhD sandwich


Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering

Main research activities/topics/projects

The research will focus on investigating how Lean Manufacturing principles can be integrated with Green practices to create a more sustainable and efficient manufacturing system, with the development of frameworks for the simultaneous implementation of Lean and Green strategies. The research could include the development of methods and tools to  assess the environmental and efficiency impacts of implementing Lean principles, considering factors such as waste reduction, energy efficiency, and resource optimization. Another aspect of the research could involve activities such as investigating the extension of Lean and Green initiatives across the entire supply chain, analysing potential implications for suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors. Additionally, there is potential for exploration into how emerging technologies (e.g., IoT, AI) could be integrated with Lean practices to improve efficiency and promote environmental sustainability in manufacturing.

Working language

English. If known, also Italian

Special entry requirements

Background in Lean Manufacturing, problem-solving and analytical skills.

Duration in months (min-max)

PhD sandwich: 2-12


Main scientific contact person

Roberto Gabbrielli

+39 050 2217138

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Other scientific contact person

Leonardo Marrazzini

+39 050 2218033

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