Mobility experience with a research focus
Master students involved in the final research, PhD sandwich, Post Doc
Department of Management and Engineering – School of Engineering, University of Padova
The main objective of the research is the study of innovative wrought and foundry light alloys (Al and Mg) to be used for producing sustainable components with complex geometry, such as thin wall thicknesses and hollow.
The research will be in the field of Metallurgy.
The research activity will cover different aspects:
This activity generally involves the thermodynamic investigations and the study of the physical and rheological characteristics of new secondary light alloys such as Mg and Al alloys. Software for thermodynamic analysis and for the calculation of physical characteristics and viscosity, currently available at the University of Padova, can be used. The obtained data can be validated and verified through experimental laboratory tests using the most widespread high-temperature thermal analysis (DSC) and rheology (rotational rheometer) techniques.
This activity deals with defining the methodology necessary to develop post-casting heat treatments, normally used to obtain the optimal microstructural characteristics to maximize the mechanical and chemical properties. Cast specimens can be studied at a laboratory scale using secondary light alloys. Before and during the casting phases, the chemical composition of the alloy can be measured using a mass spectrometer, the content of hydrogen dissolved in the liquid bath using dedicated probes, and the density of the metal to evaluate the initial degree of cleanliness of the alloy. The heat treatment are studied considering the process phases, such as solubilisation, quenching and ageing. After an initial thermodynamic analysis, the impact of the temperature and treatment time in the various phases of the heat treatment process itself will be analysed, at an experimental level, as well as the influence of the cooling rate during quenching on the mechanical properties.
Master students: 3 - 6
PhD sandwich: 4-12
Post Doc: 4 -12
Prof. Giulio Timelli
(Contact person for the Research Project)
Prof. Franco Bonollo,
(Responsible of the Metallurgy Group)