Harnessing Digital Twins and Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable, Healthy and Smart Cities: A Focus on Urban Mobility, Personalized medicine, and Air Quality

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    PhD sandwich; Post Doc


ICT International Doctorate School – “Enzo Ferrari” Engineering Department

Main research activities/topics/projects

We are currently engaged in multiple ongoing research projects spanning various fields associated with the concept of Smart and Sustainable Cities.

One of our endeavors involves the development of a mobility graph aimed at integrating the road network, pedestrian walkways, bicycle lanes, and public transportation network, along with the implementation of multimodal routing. This research is an integral part of the "ECOSISTER: Ecosystem for Sustainable Transition in Emilia-Romagna" project, which has received funding from the European Union. We are actively involved in a project of telemedicine named "Lively Ageing," supported by the Italian Health Ministry. The primary objective of this initiative is to create digital representations, referred to as digital twins, of elderly individuals residing in specific residential facilities. These digital twins will accurately depict their evolving conditions, daily routines, and any deviations. By harnessing the power of data integration and artificial intelligence technologies, we are integrating information from diverse sources, including sensors, the social-health management software of the residential facilities, cognitive stimulation activities (including robot interactions), and vital parameter data collected from medical devices. Leveraging the capabilities of digital twins enables us to offer personalized monitoring, proactive care, remote healthcare, early intervention, fall prevention, cognitive stimulation, and social interaction. These efforts are aimed at enhancing the quality of life for elderly individuals, promoting their independence, and preventing the deterioration of their health and well-being.

We are working also on the analysis of air quality through the collection of data coming from low-cost sensors. In particular, we are studying and applying Artificial Intelligence techniques to tackle urban level of the atmospheric particulate matter (PM).  The PhD or Post Doc candidate will contribute to and collaborate in one of the above mentioned projects. 

Working language

Italian or English

Special entry requirements

The candidate should have a strong interest and a solid background in ICT with expertise in data management, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.  Any interdisciplinary skills and/or knowledge in mobility technologies, telemedicine, digital healthcare, or air quality would be highly regarded. A strong ability to collaborate effectively within a team is also highly desirable.

Duration in months (min-max)

PhD sandwich: 3-12

Post Doc: 3-12


Main scientific contact person

Laura Po

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Other scientific contact persons of the same group

Federica Rollo

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