Eco-friendly hydraulic structures

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    PhD sandwich; Post Doc


DESTEC – Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering

Main research activities/topics/projects

Eco-friendly hydraulic structures have become more and more popular in the last decades. They are generally made of natural elements (e.g., wood and stones) and used to control sediment transport. Furthermore, they cause local erosions, which may represent suitable resting pools for different fish species. Although the beneficial effects of such structures are clear, we are still far from a complete understanding of the induced effects on surrounding environment. Namely, the complexity and variety of in-situ scenarios require detailed experimental campaigns. In this frame, the prospective PhD student/Post Doc will perform laboratory tests simulating different types of structures. The aim is to deep the understanding of hydraulic characteristics and erosion processes in correspondence with tested structures, providing practitioners with useful design tools. The fields of research are eco-hydraulics and hydraulic structures.

Working language

English and/or Italian.

Duration in months (min-max)

PhD sandwich: 9-12

Post Doc: 6-12


Main scientific contact person

Stefano Pagliara

+39 0502217717

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Other Scientific contact persons of the same group

Michele Palermo

+39 0502217929

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